ECO points on Тwitter
Where are they from and how to use them
Where did Twitter points come from?
The main idea of ECO points was that everyone from any part of the world could use them, but when creating the app, the ECO team faced the problem that due to the laws of different countries, not everyone can try the app. Then it was decided to use other sites, one of which is Twitter.
How to get points on twitter? 1. You can apply for a grant (you will need to write why you need points on twitter and how you plan to distribute them) All you need is to subscribe to the main ECO Twitter and ECO Twitter-bot.
2.You can share interesting and informative posts with the @eco tag, so you can get a reward from someone who already has points.
3.Twitter ECO hosts various events for the community. For example, a tweet-question is periodically published, for interesting / good / smart / funny answers they give points.
ECO points functionality on Twitter
Twitter points = Discord points = App points, but currently there is no cross-platform compatibility, so we can't exchange points from Discord to Twitter yet
You can transfer points to another person using this command: @eco_accountant !send @[username] [x] Points
To check your points' balance use this command: @eco_accountant !balance
Last updated