Task archive

ECO HOMEworkout Challenge 48


Reward: up to 10points for the best 10 submissions!

Bonus: lotery tickets for the top 5 submissions!

Deadline: October 23th

Timeline: 1 week

Home Workout provides daily workout routines for all your main muscle groups. In just a few minutes a day, you can build muscles and keep fitness at home without having to go to the gym. No equipment or coach needed


  • Prepare your home workout program.

  • Post the program and your home workout video.

  • The video should be at least 10 min.

Additional link: https://www.self.com/gallery/best-at-home-workouts-bodyweight/amp

With this challenge we want to:

  • Train hard at home

  • Get fit & healthy

  • Be positive

Meme Lab

Friends, congratulations to all of us for the event which we've been waiting for so long - creation of ECO and ECOx tokens

For this event we announce a meme contest "Smart money ECO and ECOx"

We kindly ask you to be as creative as you can be with this event. It can be the use of token in everyday life, in a world far from crypto or vice versa in a highly technological world Tag your work with #SmartMoneyECOandECOx

You can also use any of the ECO slogans from the main list in your memes You can always find the list of ECO slogans in the attached posts of our channel

The best memes will be rewarded We look forward to seeing your masterpieces Deadline: 22 October 2022 21:00 UTC

ECO Trivia


Hello, ECO Community! Tomorrow we will continue a series of ECO Trivia games! We completed the first question pack and now it is a time to move forward! New question pack topic: About ECO №1. These question will be about everything what is connected with ECO: Website, Discord, Twitter, Community and so on! So prepare and come tomorrow to have some fun (and some points for the winners!) Also, we changed start time to make it more convenient for people! TL;DR Link to the game:

The rules are shared in Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ogIiPaQ-ghdePRS7A1AWIcz8vl_cQ-H4Qk4tihAfhsg/edit?usp=sharing

When do we start? 17:00 UTC (!) everyday!


1st place - 30 points pool points + lottery ticket 2nd place - 20 points pool points + lottery ticket 3rd place - 10 points pool points + lottery ticket 4th place - lottery ticket 5th place - lottery ticke

Eco Index Challenge Update Еco Quarter Charting Challenge

We've completed our first Eco Quarter (13 weeks) of collecting data of various items all over the world

Your next challenge will be to chart all of the data collected from March 13th-July17th—the Eco Quarter—and post your creations in the #eco-index-charting channel.

When posting your charts you must:

  1. Inform us the chart you are posting is for the Eco Quarter Charting Challenge

  2. Include your Discord ID and a picture of yourself with your chart (suggested you post a picture of your chart alone and then a second picture of yourself with the chart in the background); this is to verify that you are the one posting your work

🏆 Prizes 🏆 Accepted submissions that properly satisfy the task requirements outlined above will receive a minimum of 75 points (Higher quality work and in-depth analysis will get significantly more.)

Link to Google Sheet of All Data Collected:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lB7nY7VdBt1AGX6V5TRc5CmwDMHPBYyz8e92pQpbDbA/edit?usp=sharing

Due Date: Sept. 30th

*Moving forward we will roll out challenges that align with the traditional fiscal quarter dates. That will be announced later

The Adventure Continues

Join us in solving a complex mystery. https://discord.com/channels/768556386404794448/1023268256166989854/1023271390595514420

The rewards are unknown.

Meme Lab

Hello friends We have all witnessed the amazing coherence in the creation of the DAO Solarpunk concept. Many participated in competitions dedicated to the DAO Now there is dao-challenge-5, where a lot of ideas for starting a DAO and maintaining it are published and discussed in a lot of detail

We invite you to create a meme dedicated to ECO DAO It can be described as the process of generating ideas, their implementation or the functioning of ECO DAO

Memes in gif and mp4 format are also welcome We look forward to your fantastic work Awards 1st place - 40 points

2nd place - 20 points

3rd place - 10 points

4-10 places - rafle ticket

Deadline: 8 October 21:00 UTC

EcoDayChallenge "Wink Activity"

We want to see your Eco wink: the meanest, the sexiest, the saddest, etc. The works will be carefully analyzed by 3 judges to the smallest detail, creativity, and amount of work. If submissions don't have minimum quality no rewards will be given out.


1. Record a video or make a photo collage with your winks (don't forget to show the logo Eco and Discord handle).

2. Post your work in 🧩community-activities


1st place - 30 points

2nd place - 20 points

3rd place - 10 points

4th-8th places - 5 points

Deadline: October 10 at 10:00 a.m. utc



1st place - 30 points

2nd place - 25 points

3rd place - 20 points

4th-10th places - raffle tickets

  • Find out who's best of best

  • Become faster & stronger

  • Get fit & healthy

With this challenge we want to:

Rules: At the beggining I will post the tasks here one by one.. There will be 3 rounds with different exercises. Example: Round 1 Let’s !do 2 sets 20 sumo squat You should do the tasks as quickly as possible and post a video proof after each task here. Who will be the 1st get 10 HP (Health points), 2nd - 9 HP, 3rd - 8 HP, 4th - 7 HP and etc At the end of the week I will sum up the results! No doping, no dirty work at all or violators will be fined HP!

  • All you need is front camera & fighting spirit!

  • Post your selfies after/before the battle with Discord handle & the :eco: logo.

  • Warm up :this_is_fine: yourself, coz you should do all the tasks very quickly.


Formula: Eco-power = Wed-speed + Sat-strength Date: October 5 & 8 Time: 6:00 PM UTC Duration: ~30 min

ECO Idol

Amazing people around us, amazing talents inside us! You've been wanting this for a long time and now it's happened! This time we are looking for talents in everything: do you sing great standing on your hands? are you animals parodist? can you write with your feet? do you like to catch the fish only with your hands? Then this contest is just for you! ECO GOT TALENTS and we will find them!

Conditions of the ECO GOT TALENTS:

Deadline: September 30.

🏆 Award ceremony: October 3


Genre: show your talent in any field

Language: any.

Evaluated: uniqueness of talent, originality (show creativity) We are waiting for a short video from you where you demonstrate your talent (or talents) Don't forget to say "ECO GOT TALENT" and show your handle and ECO logo, as always!

Prizes: 1st place:

150 points + new "ECO Talent" role

2nd place: 100 points

3rd place: 50 points

4-7 place: 30 points

8-10 place: 20 points

DAO Challenge 5

Proposals will be accepted until: 3 октября 2022 г., 11:00

While this next challenge is technically a continuation of the DAO series (and, we think, its finale), it's going to require a new way of thinking.

Eco’s token launch draws near, and as we approach the end of this chapter of our Ecollective history and prepare to embark on a new adventure, the purpose of this challenge is to propose a North Star ⭐ or guiding principle for the Ecommunity. This idea will inform our decisions going forward, and frame our impact.

Eco is on a mission to create a better, more aligned financial system where our money works for us in new and better ways. For that to happen, we (as individuals and together as a collective) need to consider deeply how we can best make that a reality. There is no single pathway or “right answer”, no one size fits all. Each of us who opts in to this mission will realize our purpose in a different way. But our mandate, our North Star, will remain the same:

Build the Eco-nomy.

Our vision is a real Economy, with a currency, pro-social reward structures, inflows and outflows, and new and diverse use cases. Achieving that goal depends upon a vibrant and growing community ready to think about (and then actually build toward) real use cases for a crypto-based financial system.

Given this North Star, it’s time to challenge ourselves (as individuals and as a community) to consider how we might go about pursuing it.

The Challenge This new financial system must, of course, have an asset that is used to transmit value. Let’s call that $POINTS :points: for now (although that’s not what it would really be). For this Challenge, the design of that asset is less important than the scenarios presented below.

Below are two separate scenarios for consideration. Choose one and, using the new dao-challenge-5-forum feature in Discord, craft a proposal outlining how you would go about building the Eco-nomy in a real, actionable way. How might you drive adoption? What will the Eco protocol need and how might you go about ensuring those conditions are met?

For either scenario, consider the fact that a healthy, thriving Economy functions best when its participants are contributors from various backgrounds and competencies. Think about your own local economy; everyone has a role to play. Approach this challenge with that in mind. While ideas that solve the ‘big questions’ are incredibly valuable, so too are those that leverage local knowledge, unique approaches and creative ways to bring Eco to the world.

Submit your proposal in dao-challenge-5-forum (to learn more about how Forums work, check out these links

https://discord.com/blog/forum-channels-space-for-organized-conversation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWcLexE1Qp4) Make sure your proposal is formatted properly, following these guidelines. 👉 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yRrgJAJ1JZhtUJS3Wxrr1xr7jXmmk9JenYfSugzwGgA/edit?usp=sharing

Note: You may submit multiple proposals for each scenario and may work individually or as a team but as the case with all of our challenges rewards will be issued based on the quality and thoroughness of your work. Also, the rewards for quality work, engaging debate and insightful feedback will be significant. :sparkle_points:

Proposal Rewards will be issued by evaluating: :helix: Quality of proposal ideas and substance. :helix: Potential impact. :helix: How achievable it is to implement (clarity of timeline, budget, resources, etc).

Discussion Rewards will be issued for: :helix: Insightful comments and feedback on others proposals. :helix: Suggestions for improving submitted proposals.

Scenario 1 Consider this: $POINTS have just launched. Most $POINTS holders are members of this community to start. $POINTS supply, price activity and budget can be governed directly by this community in interesting ways. They can be volatile, illiquid, and expensive to transfer—but just like :points: today, they enable possibility. What use cases can you imagine for $POINTS? How could you encourage more people to experiment with them or use them transactionally?

Scenario 2 $POINTS are becoming gradually more price-stable, are easier to obtain (ie, more liquid) and have a small but growing Eco-system of use cases with increasing data about transaction volume and user preferences. Transaction costs are decreasing and mostly affordable. Price and supply governance are active. Similar questions: What use cases can you imagine for $POINTS in this case? How could you encourage more people to adopt them?

Using Forums will be a new experience for many of us. If you have any questions or need help don't hesitate to reach out to me @Dave | Eco @Rob | Eco or one of the @Prefect for help!

Model Rocket Challenge

The first American to set foot on the moon was Neil Armstrong. Yuri Gagarin is the first cosmonaut of the USSR and the world, who became a symbol of the development of Soviet aviation and science in general, a man who forever inscribed his name in the history of space exploration. Eco community is not just building a rocket to the moon, we want to build a bridge to the future, so let's create our future together.

We believe that our Eco rocket will fly to the moon and even further conquer the expanses of galaxies! To do this, we are creating a favorable launch pad for space exploration in our community and are preparing to become passengers of this incredible flight! But what will the rocket on which we will fly look like? Let's develop the design and construction of our wonderful rocket!

Create your own version of the rocket on which all our wonderful community will fly on an unforgettable journey.

You can use any artistic techniques to embody your creative ideas. Come up with your rocket design and demonstrate it from the best side!

🏆 Awards: 1st place - 80 points 2nd place - 60 points 3 place - 40 points: 4th place - 20 points 5-10 places - 5 points + 1 raffle ticket 11th - 20th place - 1 raffle ticket


  • Shoot a video of the performance with your discord pen in the frame and a photo of the final work.

  • Accounts created the day before and without any other actions will not be evaluated.

  • If you want to hold an event within the framework of the contest, please contact the authors of the contests in advance.

  • From 1 participant only 1 art work

maturity date: 05.10.2022 at 23:59 UTC

ECO Creators

It's high time for our next challenge!

Genre: comedy 😂 Form: Short Story

Task description: One unpretentious crook, wanted to hack into the ECO app, and to do this he decided to get into the company under the guise of a new employee - to learn everything from within, but after a while he himself became an ardent follower of the ECO philosophy. what adventures, comical situations happened to him?

How did he become a "good guy"?

Requirements for the composition:

1️⃣ Length (min 1500 words, in English, the composition should be meaningful with an introduction, main body and conclusion). The main task - based on the plot of the task, is to compose a full-fledged story of a given length.

2️⃣ It must be your own story.

ASSESSMENT of submissions: assessment of works will be on following criteria

  • Creativity of idea and scenario. Originality.

  • Relevance to the theme chosen

  • Quality of execution

🏆 Awards: 🏆

1st place - 110 points

2nd place - 100 points

3rd places - 80 points

4-5 - 70 points

6-10 places - 2 lottery tickets

11-20 - 1 lottery ticket

  • Within one week after closing date, 20 best works are selected, which will receive a reward

  • The first 5 best works will be submitted to the community voting

  • Outstanding works can be awarded extra points!

  • The competition is open to members of the ECO community whose the first messages were published on the server no later than 12.08.2022

Due Date 05.10.2022 at 7:00 AM UTC

No Loss Style NFL Survivor Pool League


n collaboration with the Eco x PoolTogether x Klima x Thales communities we present the No Loss Style NFL Survivor Pool League powered by PoolTogether v4 on Optimism

We're happy to be extending the invite to you!

Here's what you need to know in order to participate:

  • The Survivor Pool will be hosted on RunYourPool.com

  • The entry fee to enter the league will be $20 USDC Deposited in the PoolTogether Optimism Pool


  • Entry fee will need to be delegated to our communal Gnosis Safe for 119—length of the season Use link below to delegate your $20 USDC (on Optimism ) to the Gnosis Safe


Gnosis Safe address: 0xf694C5F74028EeaEdD8D5697C4B7c8eDeFfb18a

Some wallets are having trouble with delegation signatures, but PoolTogether devs are working on fixing the bug. I was unsuccessful with Rainbow, but successful with Metamask

  • Once you've deposited the $20 USDC into the PoolTogether Optimism Pool and delegated to the Gnosis Safe you will need to message one of these individuals @Rob | Eco , @DaBoom , or @reikuman who will verify your delegation to the Gnosis Safe and send you a league invite link to RunYourPool.

  • When signing up for the league you will be asked for your ETH Wallet Address as part of your sign up flow. Please input the ETH wallet address you used to delegate the USDC (on Optimism) to the Gnosis Safe.


Important Dates:

  • League will begin Week 2 of the NFL season September 15th and ends Week 18 January 8th. :eco_backhand_right: First pick for Week 2 must be selected before September 18th 1:00pm (EST) or you will be automatically eliminated.

  • Funds must be delegated in the Gnosis safe by September 14th 11:59pm (UTC)

  • If funds are not delegated to the Gnosis safe by September 14th 1:59pm (UTC)** you will be removed from the league.

Prizes: Eco is allocating 1000 points for this competition!

1 - 650 points

2 - 250 points

3 - 100 points

  • Distribution of accrued interest from delegated Gnosis safe funds on OPlogo can be voted on by participants via snapshot (we will set this up soon)

  • IF the Gnosis Safe wins a prize from the PoolTogether v4 :OPlogo: pool, distribution of funds can be voted on by participants via snapshot ⚡ (we will set this up soon)

No Loss Mechanism The beauty of PoolTogether's protocol is that it allows users to deposit funds with the chance of winning prizes, without losing those funds! We are requiring that participants delegate to our Gnosis Safe because we anticipate many different community members participating in this activity and we want to ensure safety and transparency across our different communities.

ECO BATTING Challenge 43 ⚾

Reward: 1 - 30 points, 2 - 25 points, 3- 20 points, 4/10 -лотерейные билеты Deadline: September 11th Timeline: 1 week Equipment: ⚾ & bat or similar cudgel

Baseball has been a part of World culture since who-knows-when. Still, it has gone a long way before it became the sport that people know and love today.


  • Find a pitcher to participate with. You must stand at least 46 feet (~14 metres) from the pitching rubber and let’s see how many balls you hit out of 10.

  • Lets hit accurately and not hard. Show the distance of your submission so the easier it will be to judge.

  • Post a video proof with the :eco: logo & your Discord handle.

With this challenge we want to:

  • Improve baseballs skills

  • Get fit & health

  • Be positive

Eco Community Experiences #1 "The Museum"

Exploring the Eco community museum and completed all challenges.

Requirements : PC / Laptop, available for Windows & MacOS (if you already have installed game maker, don't download new version)

Deadline : September 21, 14.00 UTC

Eligible for raffle : Everyone who posting the victory screen pict and face pict holding eco logo + discord handle. (make sure tag @Binn or @Dave | Eco )


Create the new sandbox account : http://www.sandbox.game/ (i recommend using metamask, for easy register)

Download the sandbox game maker : https://www.sandbox.game/en/create/game-maker

Install the sandbox game maker client, login with your sandbox account. 4️⃣ Click tab "Drafts Gallery".

Find "Eco Community Experiences #1" game, currently on page 64+. (page location will increase overtime)

Finish the game and take a screenshot of victory screen + face pict.

Post the victory screen + face pict on 🎮sandbox-challenge , make sure tag @Binn or @Dave | Eco

All eligible participants will get a raffle ticket.

Raffle mechanics : We will raffle all eligible participants to get 10 winners (raffle on 🎰sweepstakes ). There will be a maximum of 100 raffle tickets given.


1 - 25 points each for 15 raffle winners.

100 points split to all eligible participants who get raffle tickets.

5 points each for 5 best screenshots in the game.

Side Challenge - "Gameplay video challenge"

Goals : Create the eco community experiences #1 gameplay video. (allowed to add music in the video)

Deadline : September 18, 14.00 UTC


1 - 75 points, 2- 50 points, 3 - 30 points, 4-7 - 5 points

Knitting competition

Eco-community is very talented. And I think we have people who love to crochet or knit.

Let's make a crochet or needlework quilt together for one of the Eco team members.


  1. Сrochet a 20x20 cm square. use your imagination: you can buy Eco color yarn, create an Eco logo inside the square, or just make something cute to crochet with Eco.

  2. Make a video of the creation process, showing your discord handle in the frame and take a picture of your square. Post the final version of your work in this thread.

  3. After your publication, the author will send you the address in Poland (there are several receiver country options for senders from different countries), where you can send the square by mail.

  4. When we receive all the squares, the author will knit them into one quilt and send it to one of the team members as a warm gift from the community.


To make a blanket not too heavy, please don’t use thick yarn (for example, you can use yarnart jeans, jarnart ideal, gazzal baby cotton or something with approximate the same thread thickness)

  • The size of the quilt will be 120x160 cm. So we need 48 squares. 1 participant - 1-2 square.

If you would like to join this challenge, please post it here: "I Knit" and tag @swasilenko and @Skipper After you post your desire to participate, you will have two weeks to knit a square. If you need more time (e.g. yarn delivery is delayed), please let @swasilenko know in DM. She will create a table to track participant activity.

Reward for everyone who completes the work - 30 points Once you have 48 squares, the contest will be closed.


Hello friends

We invite you to take part in a new meme contest - the beginning of the creation of the project ECO "ECO start"

Let's fantasize together on this theme You need to depict a variation on the theme of the beginning of an ECO project.

It could be the emergence of an idea, the birth of a company or something else (maybe you think that the has not yet started properly)

We give some images from a popular series related to Silicon Valley 💻

Perhaps similar locations were used as a starting point for the ECO project.

Also, you can use your own locations 🏡

🏆 Awards: 🏆

1st place - 75 points

2nd place - 50 points

3rd place - 30 рoints

4th-10th place - a 🎫 to a raffle

Please mark your works with #ECOstart tag #️⃣

Deadline: September 7, 2022, 21:00 UTC ⏰

Looking forward to your masterpieces



It's my pleasure to announce the beginning of the final phase of the DAO challenge. The @DAO Master who created the the SolarPunk DAO Report (attached at the bottom of this message) have waited patiently for some time to receive feedback on their work from the @Eco Team We’ll be giving that feedback in stages over the coming weeks, starting right now.

But, you might want to check out the details of how we’re giving feedback. There’s a lot of :points: in it, and it’s more than a little bit important for the future of this community.

Check out this doc for more details: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K7pvaGpdGmWD3rVfvN2FndBLAbhqdQfl9aOHTgBCNCo/edit#heading=h.v0cfzof6amoc

See you all there, this is one to definitely not miss.


We strongly suggest you start by reading the SolarPunk DAO Report

@Layer 2 community members are able to Read / Write in all channels. We’ve decided that this is important enough for everyone to see.

@Layer 1 members have Read access to individual categories but have Write access only to the 💬dao-challenge-chat channel — so they can discuss alongside the Layer 2 members, even if they can’t participate directly.

:helix: Each category will have a primary @Eco Team member acting as the ‘questioner’ to spur debate and conversation.

At the end of the challenge, the DAO Master group will take what we have learned and ideally make any necessary updates or edits to the SolarPunk DAO to blow our minds one more step…

Those who contributed meaningfully to this effort will be rewarded meaningfully at the end of the challenge!


So…Where do we go from here?

Consider this: How would this design change if we begin here...on Earth…? First, we would need to change the starting conditions. There are lots of ideas worth exploring further in the SolarPunk proposal—many would need more time to research and develop—but we can pull out a few themes that we think tie the best ideas together at the right starting point. While Magonia had the benefit of a ‘clean slate’ and preexisting trade to restart, we’re dealing with a different state of affairs here on Earth: here we have an active, functioning financial system (however inefficient); there are many currencies (some better or worse) supported by complex trade relationships; and new technology is enabling communities and markets to form with rapid scale and their own forms of liquidity, but economic activity between them often remains rather low. When we think about that environment and the tools available to us here and now, overlayed with the ideals of the SolarPunk design and our observations from Pt.4 discussion threads, we arrive at the following requirements:

Clearly we need a system that can learn and evolve—it needs to be upgradable through governance.

There are basically three types of governance we all keep coming back to in our discussions: protocol upgrades and improvement proposals; how to fund grants, bounties and public goods; and how to set monetary policy. It seems like the first two can be decided by community through some process with a general delegate group. Monetary policy is only loosely defined in the original SolarPunk report, but clearly needs more development and seems like it may best be administered by a more specifically qualified delegate group.

This community will play a key role in supporting governance, building influence and culture, and onboarding new contributors. Today's members need to proactively anticipate this and begin organizing accordingly.

It's clear that reputation will play a critical role for the future of this system—but it's hard to define today, for lack of data and the right primitives. This isn't something we should start too quickly on, but it's something we should definitely develop over time. NFTs seem well suited to this application.

Finally, in terms of infrastructure, our foundational system requirements seem to be: decentralized security, governance and upgradability, and support for different types of tokens. Given this, established blockchain solutions can probably work so long as they can scale in the future; Ethereum seems best.

Beyond these fundamentals, we’re also thinking about:

What types of economic activity could be uniquely supported (whether newly enabled or just made more productive) by such a system?

Relatedly, what incentives or efforts would enable such a system to legitimately gain market share from other entrenched systems?

How could such a system be launched in a way that ensures it has a ‘head start’ but remains maximally adaptive—thus able to learn, evolve and capture various states of the future?

We trust that researching and exploring these ideas within this new context will help align our collective vision and lead us to the right answers…soon.

ECO Creators

Genre: Horror

Form: Short Story

Task description: The city is flooded with a craze of youth with a new app, the app has its token, which is highly valued on the exchanges, the essence of the app is that it comes up with random tasks that need to be done and need to provide photo proof in the app, when accepting the completed task, tokens are credited to the wallet, the first tasks are easy and innocent, but with each level they become more and more difficult and creepy, one of the new users begins to use this app. What tasks? How did he react to them? Who is behind the app, How did he win or lose?

Requirements for the composition:

1️⃣ Length (min 1500 words, in English, the composition should be meaningful with an introduction, main body and conclusion). The main task - based on the plot of the task, is to compose a full-fledged story of a given length.

2️⃣ It must be your own story.

ASSESSMENT of submissions: assessment of works will be on following criteria

  • Creativity of idea and scenario. Originality.

  • Relevance to the theme chosen

  • Quality of execution

🏆 Awards: 🏆 1st place - 100 points 2nd place - 75 points 3-5 places - 50 points 6-20 places - 5 - 30 points (depending on the quality of work)

  • Within one week after closing date, 20 best works are selected, which will receive a reward

  • The first 5 best works will be submitted to the community voting

  • If large number of high-quality works will be submitted, the number of works allocated to first 5 places may be more than 5!!!

  • Outstanding works can be awarded extra points!

  • The competition is open to members of the ECO community whose the first messages were published on the server no later than 05.07.2022

Due Date 29.08.2022 at 7:00 AM UTC


Reward: 1- 25 points, 2 - 20 points, 3 - 15 points, 4 - 10 points: 5/10 - 5 points per partner Deadline: August 28th Timeline: 1 week Equipment: ⚽️

Lets improve first touch, volleys & reaction.


  • Find a partner :bruh: to participate with and show the longest rally or you can use a wall or object to bounce the ball off of.

  • Play head or foot. The ball should not touch the ground.

  • Post a video proof with the :eco: logo & your Discord handle.

  • Count up the number of kicks the easier it will be to judge :this~4:

With this challenge we want to:

  • Improve our balls skills

  • Get fit & health

  • Be positive


Hello everyone! Are there great lords and brave knights among us??


Friends, our friendly Eco-mmunity is growing and getting stronger! How about creating our own alliance in the popular League of Kingdoms game? Right now, an Eco community alliance has been created in this game, in which all members of our community are invited to participate.

The composition of the clan is limited in number, so you will need to select the most loyal and strong players. Our task is to build a strong and cohesive kingdom under the banner of ECOcommunity and just have fun! You can ask questions about joining the clan here, in this thread. Just tag @ildar utebaev

Link to the game: https://www.leagueofkingdoms.com/


MAIN INFO Below is the main information about upcoming competition:

  • Our referees - Raul0287, Ranil, karas` - prepared daily contests for you, completing which within a month you will earn points for your Team.

  • In addition to Team scoring we will also count Individual scores (so for some challenges you will be able to earn points as both as a team and as individuals.)

  • Competitions will be thematic for each week - Cinema, Music, Sports and Crypto.

  • max 8 teams of 8 people will be formed.

  • Each member will receive new roles during championship that will give you access to private channels.


And now more about how the Teams will be organized and what steps you need to take to participate:

  • Sign up starts today and is first come first serve...so hurry!!

  • Fee of participation will be 1 points. Please send it to @karas with a hashtag "!eco @karas 1 #championship". After confirming receiving points you'll be added in this table: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EcjWvU71smueYz2JU9VD54vL1oCon_oGpI424saNG6A/edit?usp=drivesdk.

  • Teams will be randomly assigned but if you want to be in the Team with your friend in a couple inform about it karas` in DM.

  • Accounts created recently and/or without any activity will not be allowed to competition.

PRIZE POOLS We have allocated a large prize pool for participants and therefore we hope for your active participation and that you will show fair fight, team spirit and good mood!!! :eco_handshake:


1 - 1600 points

2 - 1200 points

3 - 800 points

4,5th places - 600 points

6,7,8th places - 400 points

*Distributing of points within each team will be depend totally from Team decision!


1 - 50 points

2 - 45 points

3 - 40 points

4,5,6th place - 30 points

7,8,9,10th place - 10 points

We wish you all good luck in the upcoming hot ECO TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP!!! P.S. Today we was opening a new channel locker-room where you can ask any questions, discuss competitions etc.

Self Bartender


Summer is not only pleasant moments, but the sizzling heat, which is not for everyone. It is especially hard for those who live in the southern parts of the country or in regions with high humidity - the heat is felt there more intensely than in dry climate. Everyone uses their own means to save from the heat, but no one can do without drinks that can quench their thirst.

Task: make your own special non-alcoholic drink (cocktail, lemonade, iced tea, smoothies, etc.) at home! The most creative, bright, unusual, high quality and complex work will be appreciated!


1 place - 60 points 2 place - 40 points 3 place - 30 points 4-15 places - 10 points


  • Capture a video of the cooking process with your discord handle in the frame and a photo of the final work.

  • Accounts created the day before and without any other action will not be judged.

  • If you would like to host a contest event, please contact the contest writers in advance.

Good luck and be creative!!!

End Date: August 17 at 23:59 UTC

The Good Deeds Day Challenge by @Lilishka

We are all very different, we live in different time zones and in different parts of this beautiful planet! I would love to see people in our amazing Eco Community come together to do good deeds! You can perform any deed, which will be aimed at:

-Нelping people in need -Care for the environment -Charity fundraisers -Animal welfare

Let's make this world a little better and kinder!

Upload a photo or video of your work to 🧩community-activities and tag @Lilishka (don't forget to show the Eco logo and the Discord handle). Each participant can submit an unlimited number of publications of their good deeds!

Each participant will receive a reward from @Lilishka for participating! If more than 10 people take part in the good deeds competition, Dave | Eco will perform a little good deeds song for us! We're all looking forward to it!

Deadline: August 12 at 10.00 utc

Meme LAB

Hello friends

We present you a new fun meme challenge for the best meme related to the new #eco-creators challenge -Short horror stories!

The best memes will be awarded: 1st place - 25 points

2-3 place - 15 points

4th-8th place - 10 points

Please mark your works with #eco-creators tag

Deadline: August 14, 2022 21.00 UTC Looking forward to your masterpieces

DAO-treasury-challenge (only for Layer2)


One of the most important parts of successful DAO operations is the management of the community treasury.

The various projects and efforts a decentralized organization chooses to support and the processes in place for proposing, voting on and approving fund distributions are key elements of DAO governance. They are perhaps the most important thing to 'get right' in order for a DAO to successfully achieve its collective goals.

However this is arguably the most difficult aspect of decentralized governance as well. DAO’s often have serious problems with allocating funds effectively. In some cases DAO’s are hesitant to spend treasury funds and expect members to ‘work for free’ in which case the quality of output tends to suffer. In other cases funds are spent frivolously, with little or no accountability, oversight or metrics established for how to measure success.

This challenge is all about analyzing the community treasuries of other successful projects.

You are welcome to work solo or in groups of 2 for this challenge.

Note: Before you begin work please indicate which project you will be working on. For a submission to be accepted it must be posted and approved beforehand.

Submissions should include details on the following:

  • A brief description of the project.

  • What percentage of tokens from the overall supply is dedicated to community funds?

  • How are the funds distributed by the team to the community?

  • How are the funds managed by the community?

  • What is the proposal submission mechanism?

  • How are submissions voted on?

  • What kind of projects are funded?

  • What reporting requirements are there for those who have received funding?

  • How is success measured?

  • From the inception of the community to the time you began researching, do you feel as though the community funds have been effectively deployed to support and further the mission of the project?

  • How could things be improved and what are the major challenges being encountered?

A secondary but significant part of this challenge will be answering and discussing any followup questions posed by the Eco Team, Prefects and other Layer 2 members.

Rewards :

Accepted works will receive a minimum of 100 points and scale based on quality of assessment and analysis and discussion generated from the report.

Due Date 4 августа 2022 г., 3:00

This challenge was proposed and will be administered by @salova if you have any questions feel free to ask either me @Dave | Eco or him for help!


Reward: 1- 55 points, 2 - 35 points, 3- 25 points, 4 - 15 points, 5/10 - 10 points, 11/15 - 5 points

Deadline: August 7th

Timeline: 1 week

Shooting is the main skill that directly involves scoring points.

Description: Participants have 2 minutes to shoot from the free-throw line (15 ft ~ 4.5 m) or any point except the free throw lane , so let’s see your highest score in this round.

The free throw lane is the space on a basketball court from the baseline to the free throw line. Its 12 ft wide and 19 ft long.

You can play with only one ball 🏀 but partner can help you and pass the ball back to you.

Post a video proof with the eco logo & your Discord hand

Research Meme Contest II

➡️ Create the perfect meme :hogan: based on the derivative formula in the first part of Meme-analysis on any topic (including crypto, or even the great Eco). It can be an image, GIF or video. Possible modifications to the meme can be added.

➡️ For those who did not manage to participate in the first part of the study, we also offer to join the creation of the best meme. But before that, you need to develop your recipe (formula) for creating the best meme, based on your research or on the research of other econauts.

Bonus: Let your imagination run wild - simulate a situation in which your meme or its modification will be applicable and funny.

📰 Presentation method: Google Doc with Discord handle at the beginning

1st place: 75 points

2nd place: 60 points

3rd-5th places: 30 points

✅ Accepted works: 10 points (criteria: original meme, description)

End date: July 31, 2022.


Reward: up to 15 points

Time: Every morning

Deadline: Jule 31th

Timeline: 1 week

Your morning routine sets the tone for the rest of the day. Let's do it! again :hogan:

Description: Participants must do morning exercises and post 3 min video proof every morning. You must show the :eco: logo & your Discord handle. Workouts should be different from the rest.

With this challenge we want to:

  • Make a good habit

  • Get fit & health

  • Be positive

Eco Creators


Dear Eco-friends! It's time for our next challenge!

Genre: Fantasy or Science fiction

Form: Short Story

Task description: One day, Ecomen appeared to Tom, one of the heroes of the Ecoverse comic, and told him how the history of humankind in its various episodes was greatly affected by the structure of the banking system. Ecomen showed Tom how life can be changed with Eco. Later, Tom found out that Ecomen is about 100 thousand years old ... And he helped many civilizations and not only on planet earth, because his super strength also helps him move through space to other worlds and galaxies. Eсomen also told Tom under what circumstances and why exactly he acquired his power. Here's what he said: ... Ecoverse comic: https://youtu.be/95ngcaOl6BY

Requirements for the composition:

1️⃣ Length (min 1500 words, in English, the composition should be meaningful with an introduction, main body and conclusion). The main task - based on the plot of the task, is to compose a full-fledged story of a given length.

2️⃣ It must be your own story

ASSESSMENT of submissions: assessment of works will be on following criteria

  • Creativity of idea and scenario. Originality.

  • Relevance to the theme chosen

  • Quality of execution

  • 🏆 Awards: 🏆

  • 1st place - 100 points

  • 2nd place - 75 points

  • 3-5 places - 50 points

  • 6-20 places - 5 - 30 points: (depending on the quality of work)

Within one week after closing date, 20 best works are selected, which will receive a reward

The first 5 best works will be submitted to the community voting

If large number of high-quality works will be submitted, the number of works allocated to first 5 places may be more than 5!!!

Outstanding works can be awarded extra points!

The competition is open to members of the ECO community whose the first messages were published on the server no later than 29.05.2022

Due Date 29.07.2022 at 09:00 UTC

ECO Idol

Yo Homeboys! Are there real gangstas on the hood? We are starting a rap battle here and now! Rules: no collie, no barkin, no diss, no cops Only mic, flow, wheels of steel, cutting, mixing and funky O.G.!

Dates: June 28- July 24.

Award ceremony: July 27


1st place: 75 points + "ECO Idol" role

2nd place: 50 points

3rd place: 25 points

4-7 place: 15 points

8-10 place: 10 points


Reward: up to 15 points Time: Every morning Deadline: Jule 24th Timeline: 1 week


  • Participants must do morning exercises and post 3 min video proof every morning. Workouts should be different from the rest.

  • You must show the :eco: logo & your Discord handle.

With this challenge we want to:

  • Make a good habit

  • Get fit & health

  • Be positive

ECO Art Therapy


House of Cards is not only a popular TV series , also, it is a very exciting activity. Create your own version of the house of cards ! It can be created not only from cards, show your imagination and diligence. The creation of card houses trains attention, perseverance and intelligence.

Spend your time usefully and show the world what you are capable of!


  • It is forbidden to glue cards.

  • Filming of the process is necessary.

  • After the photo and video fixation, destroy your house of cards so that we can make sure that it is not glued.

Step-by-step instructions on how to create a house of cards: https://www.wikihow.com/Build-a-House-of-Cards


1st place "Best of the Most Challenging Models" - 100 points

2nd place "Biggest of the Biggest" - 80 points

3rd place "Most original idea with quality implementation" - 70 points

4th place "Most delicious and edible" - 50 points

5th place "Funniest house of cards" - 30 points

6th-10th places - 10 points

11th-15th places - 5 points


  • Shoot a video of the performance with your discord handle in the frame and a photo of the final work.

  • Accounts created the day before and without any other activity will not be evaluated.

  • If you would like to hold an event as a part of the contest, please contact the contest´s authors beforehand.

Due Date 23.07.2022 at 23:59 UTC

Eco Index Charting

The time has come to start utilizing all the data we have been collecting over the past four weeks and representing it visually.

Check out the database here 👉 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lB7nY7VdBt1AGX6V5TRc5CmwDMHPBYyz8e92pQpbDbA/edit?usp=sharing


1️⃣ Use the database above to visually 'tell a story' via charts and graphs about price changes of a particular item or group of items within a specific geographical region.

2️⃣ Describe the events and factors (economic, environmental, political or social) that you think are causing these price fluctuations and how they impact that consumer.

🏆 Prizes 🏆

Accepted submissions that properly satisfy the task requirements outlined above will receive a minimum of 50 points (Higher quality work and in-depth analysis will get significantly more.)

📈 Good Luck and Happy Charting! 📈

ECO Djokovic’s MADNESS Challenge 35


1st place - 55 points

2nd place - 35 points

3rd place - 25 points

4th place - 15 points

5th place-10th places - 10 points

11th-15th places - 5 points

Equipment: tennis racket or big pan :dayman: , 10 🎾 or 1 ball + 1 ballboy and bucket Deadline: Jule 17th Timeline: 1 week

Congratulation! Novak Djokovic wins his 7th Wimbledon trophy and closes the gap on Grand Slam titles. Among men, only Federer, with 8th, has won more titles at Wimbledon than Djokovic…


  • Participants must stand at least 25 feet (~7 metres) from a bucket and let’s see how many balls out of 10 you can get into the bucket (diameter of not more than 50 cm).

  • Post a video proof with the eco logo & your Discord handle.

  • You must show the distance of your submission so the easier it will be to judge.

With this challenge we want to:

  • Practice tennis skills

  • Get fit & health

  • Be positive

Stay HEALTH & FITNESS all your life

Meme lab


Hello, friends We invite you to the meme contest dedicated to the new ECO EDUCATION channel!

1️⃣ In addition to existing classes (crypto-literacy, health-class, chess, english-beginners, english-intermediate, art-class), you can make memes for those disciplines that may be opened in the future at the ECO Academy;

2️⃣ Admission to the academy;

3️⃣ Final exams;

4️⃣ Classmates;

5️⃣ Homework;

6️⃣ Skipping lessons.

You can also offer your idea related to study

The best memes will receive awards

1st place - 30 points

2nd place - 20 points

3rd place - 15 points

4th-8th place - 10 points

Please mark your work with #eco-education tag We look forward to your memes

Deadline: July 9 at 23:59 UTC



1- 55 points

2 - 35 points

3 - 25 points

4- 15 points

5/10 - 10 points

Date: Jule 9th

Time: 6:00 PM UTC

Duration: ~40 min

We are completing the Eco Man and Woman Super Series where Eco-athletes battle it out over 4 Rounds of traditional iron racing across 4 weeks! We have pushed to the limits in courses that test endurance, speed, strength and special skill. This is where legends are made!


  • All you need is front camera & fighting spirit!

  • Post your selfies with Discord handle & the eco logo here.

  • Warm up yourself, coz you should do all the tasks very quickly.

Rules: At the beggining I will post the tasks here one by one.. There will be 4 rounds with 4 different exercises. Example: Round 1 Let’s !do 4 sets 20 sumo squat You should do the tasks as quickly as possible and post a video proof after each task here. Who will be the 1st get 10 HP (Health points), 2nd - 9 HP, 3rd - 8 HP, 4th - 7 HP and etc At the end of the battle I will sum up the results! No doping, no dirty work at all or violators will be fined HP

With this challenge we want to:

  • Find out who's best

  • Get fit & health

  • Be positive

Sandbox Side Challenge #2 "Pororo Game Jam — Heroes Playground"


Dodge the snowballs and find the missing ice sculpture.

Requirements : PC / Laptop, available for Windows & MacOS

Deadline : July 10, 17.00 UTC

Eligible for raffle : Everyone who posting the victory screen pict and face pict holding eco logo + discord handle. (make sure tag @Binn or @Dave | Eco)


1️⃣ Create the new sandbox account : http://www.sandbox.game/ (i recommend using metamask, for easy register)

2️⃣ Download the sandbox game maker : https://www.sandbox.game/en/create/game-maker

3️⃣ Install the sandbox game maker client, login with your sandbox account.

4️⃣ Click tab "Drafts Gallery".

5️⃣ Find "Pororo Game Jam — Heroes Playground" game, currently on page 54. (page location will increase overtime)

6️⃣ Finish the game with any difficulty and take a screenshot of victory screen + face pict.

7️⃣ Post the victory screen + face pict on 🎮sandbox-challenge , make sure tag @Binn or @Dave | Eco

8️⃣ All eligible participants will get a raffle ticket.

Raffle mechanics : I will raffle all participants to get 3 winners for each 50 :points: on https://wheelofnames.com/ There will be a maximum of 25 raffle tickets given.

🏆 Prizes 🏆

Raffle winner = 50 :points:

75 :points: split to all eligible participants who get raffle tickets.

Good luck and have fun !!

Domino Topple design challenge


Domino toppling is the activity of standing up dominoes in sequence known as a domino run and then triggering the first one in line to create a chain reaction also called the domino effect."

At Eco we value the importance of positive feedback leading to a self-amplifying chain of events! We thought this challenge would be an awesome way to visualize that ethos.

Task: Build your own unique Domino Topple Design

▶️ Your submission must be a recording that shows the chain reaction. ▶️ Include your Discord handle somewhere in the recording for proof of creation.

Prizes Best Eco Themed Design: 150 points Most Dominos Used: 50 points Longest Domino Topple Duration: 50 points Honorable Mentions: 25 points

Bonus points may be allocated if you blow our minds

Submissions Due: June 30th

Eco-sneakers design


Develop your own personal version of the design of ECO sports shoes. Choose and draw a sketch of one of the models of your choice:

  • Running

  • Walking

  • Training

No limits to creativity!! Let your imagination run free! Be unique! Even if you don't have any drawing skills, don't be afraid to create and be creative. Paint as you see it.


⁃ Work can be either digital or hand-drawn on paper.

⁃ Uniqueness. Your sketch. Don't copy design from the Internet or other resources.

⁃ Video confirmation of your creation of a picture with the your discord handle in the frame and final drawing.

⁃ 1 participant - 1 drawing


TOP 3 places - for the most unique design and super neat drawing - 50 :points: (+ secret bonus in the near future).

4th - 10th place - for the most futuristic design - 30 points

11 - 20th place - for engagement - 10 points

Deadline: June 30 00:00 utc

ECO MAN SUPER SERIES Round 3 Challenge 33


1 - 25 points

2- 20 points

3 - 15 points

4- 10 points

5/10 - 5 points per partner

Deadline: Jule 3rd

Timeline: 1 week

We continue the Eco Man :eco_handshake: Woman Super Series where Eco-athletes will battle it out over 4 Rounds of traditional iron racing across 4 weeks! You will be pushed to the limits in courses that test endurance, speed, strength and special skill. This is where legends are made!


  1. Find the 3rd partner to participate with as this is a group round. Someone has already cooperated. 3 ppl in the team

  2. All participants should ride the bike as much as possible for 1 week. Share distances & routes. :eco_checked: Post screenshot proof here and attach the :eco: logo and your Discord handle.

Big thanks to @k3100690pdi for the cool idea.

With this challenge we want to:

  • Find out who's faster

  • Get fit & health

  • Be positive

🍆 Stay HEALTH & FITNESS all your life 🍌

Research Meme Contest


We live in an interesting time when memes are already part of the culture of modern society. And it ceased to be a phenomenon. Memes bring up self-criticism, ridicule vices and help to better survive some events. And sometimes it's impossible to explain why some meme "shot" harder. 🚀 Or is there a way to explain everything? 👍

We invite you to explore the phenomenon of memes.

1️⃣ Tell the history of the meme industry or a specific meme (or type)

2️⃣ Describe any success story (maybe in the crypto-community or even Eco)

3️⃣ Deduce a clear and understandable formula for creating a good meme.

Do not copy information from Google. Do Your Own Research. Entries will be judged on completeness of content and originality.

📰 Presentation method: Google Doc with Discord handle in first words.

🥇 1st place: 75 points

🥈 2nd place: 60 points

🏅 3rd-5th places: 30 points

✅ Accepted works: 10 points

End Date: June 30, 2022

Eco Art Therapy


You have to make a helix in Eco style, based on the new visual concept of volumes presented at ECO Explore lll.

Any creative technique can be used in creating the helix model. You can assemble it out of dominoes, make it out of magnets, draw it in oil on canvas, you can make a mechanism and it will rotate, or you can create a computer model, sew an outfit in the form of a spiral, ... complete freedom of realization.


1st place "Best of the Most Challenging Models" - 100 points

2nd place "Biggest of the Biggest" - 80 points

3rd place "Most original idea with quality implementation" - 70 points

4th place "Most delicious and edible" - 50 points

5th place "Funniest helix" - 30 points

6th-10th places - 10 points

11th-15th places - 5 points


  • Shoot a video of the performance with your discord handle in the frame and a photo of the final work.

  • Accounts created the day before and without any other activity will not be evaluated.

  • If you would like to hold an event as a part of the contest, please contact the contest´s authors beforehand.

Due Date: 02.07.2022 at 23:59 UTC

Eco Idol

​Our community once again amazes with a huge number of talents among us!

Beautiful voices, creative ideas and brilliant performance are super impressive and that's why we decided to make the song contest permanent and monthly!

Today, what started as a Karaoke challenge is turning into ECO IDOL- a real regular award, the winners of which will not only be awarded points, but will also receive a new "ECO Idol" role:crypto: The owners of "ECO Idol" role will participate in the process of selecting the winners of the next ECO IDOL

Conditions of the first ECO Idol

Dates: May 20- June 17.

Award ceremony: June 20

Genre: rock song

Language: any.

Evaluated: vocals, performance, originality (show your creativity)

You can perform the song as a duet or chorus.

But remember, one participant is awarded once!Make sure that you perform the whole song, you have to say 🗣️ "ECO Idol and your Discord handle"

To perform, you can use several application options to your taste: Smule, StarMaker or something else. In case of any doubts, the participant may be asked to additionally provide a video confirming the vocal.

Preference is given to applications with high-quality video.


1st place: 75 points + "ECO Idol" role

2nd place: 50 points

3rd place: 25 points

4-7 place: 15 points

8-10 place: 10 points https://discord.com/channels/768556386404794448/960937589181911122/977277626429370448

Eco creators. 1 challenge


It is the time for our first challenge at last! The challenge represents improvisation since initial circumstances are already in place!

Genre: Detective

🕵️ Form: Short Story

Task description: Noir detective in the style of American 40’s, all over the city daring raids on various banks are happening, and, characteristically, money and valuables are left untouched, the raiders destroy equipment, data and all documents. Knowing that ECO team don't like banks federal inspectors made them prime suspects, Andy’s in prison, Dave’s on house arrest, Bryce’s on bail, and Ecoman takes responsibility for saving the team’s good name. What adventures awaited Ecoman? How he investigated the case? Who and why destroyed the infrastructure of banks in fact?

Requirements for the composition:

1️⃣ Length (min 1500 words, in English, the composition should be meaningful with an introduction, main body and conclusion). The main task - based on the plot of the task, is to compose a full-fledged story of a given length.

2️⃣ It must be your own story

ASSESSMENT of submissions: assessment of works will be on following criteria

  • Creativity of idea and scenario. Originallity.

  • Relevance to the theme chosen

  • Quality of execution

🏆 Awards: 🏆

1st place- 100 points

2st place- 75 points

3-5 places - 50 points

6-10 places - 30 points

11-20 places- 20 points

  • Within one week after closing date, 20 best works are selected, which will receive a reward

  • The first 5 best works will be submitted to the community voting

  • If large number of high-quality works will be submitted, the number of works allocated to first 5 places may be more than 5!!!

  • Outstanding works can be awarded extra points!

Due Date 19.06.2022 at 23:59 UTC

ECO MAN SUPER SERIES Round 1 Challenge 31

Award: 1st place - 30 points 2nd place - 25 points 3rd place - 20 points 4th place - 15 points 5th-10th place - 10 points 11th - 20th place - 5 points

Bonus: 10 points: for speed

Deadline: 19 June

Deadline: 1 week

Let's launch the Eco Man :eco_handshake: Woman Super Series, where eco-athletes will battle it out in 4 rounds of traditional iron racing over 4 weeks! You'll be pushed to the limit on tracks that test endurance, speed, strength and special skills. This is where legends are made. Many thanks to @k3100690pdi for offering this challenge!


Every day Monday through Friday, post your running score (miles/km) to 👟running-eco-man (screenshot of any running app). One run a day! Share your experiences and discover new running routes.

On the weekend, share your overall progress here. :eco_checked: Attach your eco logo and your Discord.

With this challenge, we want to:

  • Find out who is the fastest

  • Get in shape and improve your health

  • Be positive

🍈 Stay HEALTHY AND FITNESS your whole life

DAO-Challenge-step-3 (Layer2 only)

Reward: The reward for an accepted submission will start at 10,000 points but could go higher based on overall quality and the level of co-operation and coordination that is achieved. The better the quality, the greater the number of participants and the more evenly distributed the work is, the higher the reward will be. Deadline: Registration for this challenge will be open for 7 days and will close 20 January 2022 г., 6:59 If you would like to participate send a DM me @Dave | Eco (and I'll get you signed up!) https://discord.com/channels/768556386404794448/929025125481844826/929029751006433351

Your task is to propose a form of sustainable organization (DAO) capable of acting as the steward of the financial system. It must fulfill 3 main purposes. Align the incentives of the management participants in such a way that it is more profitable for all parties to the conclusion to work on the system than against it. Develop a robust internal mechanism for suggesting, incentivizing and resolving disputes. Protect your system from infections and external attacks.

This project is designed to serve two very important purposes in the development of the Eco-mmunity:

First, it will build upon the collaboration requirements from DAO challenge Step 2 and (hopefully) allow for the group of participants to learn to work as a 'collective' with a single goal. We can't stress the importance of this enough. Coordination and cooperation is one of the greatest 'unlocks' for a decentralized community and learning how to navigate those waters now represents a highly valuable skillset.

Second, the ability to produce a single, cohesive plan of action for the development of a (theoretical) DAO will help members of the Eco-mmunity think about how such an organization may be implemented in reality and will act as an invaluable reference point if such a scenario were to emerge.



Many people have already seen poker cards with members of the ECO team on them, so we made an NFT out of those cards, and figured out how to make it interesting for the community.

Only NFTs that are made on a smart contract https://polygonscan.com/address/0x0ce9a6838f1574f78b84d145df716c6fd3160ca7 participate, the rest are considered fake

Distributions of NFTs will be for 1.5-2 months for different activities (about that below), after the last NFTtoken distribution there will be at least 2 months before snapshot.

Salova has 36 poker cards, he is a merchant from whom you can exchange any of your NFTs for any of his NFTs for an additional 7 points (all points for the exchange will go into the notabank fund). He does not participate in the quest.

Yaga has 18 NFTs as the creator of the smart contract and NFTs, he participates on a general basis. Also, sales restrictions are removed from Salova, NFT cost will be specified later.

You can sell, trade, buy NFTs, you can cooperate with other participants

Transactions will be conducted through a guarantor (Salova or Jaga), and later through the bot, which is created for this purpose. All other transactions you conduct at your own risk.

It is not forbidden to sell NFTs on opensea distribution:

sweepstakes in various formats (every 2-5 days);

active users and contestants ;

poker tournaments ;

for special merits in the opinion of Prefects


You must have these NFTs from the time of the snapshot to the time you receive the points.

full collection - 600 points and 1 unique NFT (from team Eco );

9 flash cards - 125 points;

9 straight cards - 100 points;

straight flush or flush royal - 75 points;

four of a kind - 55 points;

full house -50 points;

5-card full flush or straight - 40 points;

three of a kind - 25 points

Dune Dashboard Challenge

Prizes 1st place - 150 points, 2nd place- 100 points, 3rd place - 75 points, 4th place - 50 points,

Honorable Mentions - 5 points points (And if you truly blow our minds 🤯 there will be some bonus points)

Due Date: June 10th 23:59 UTC


Dune aggregates blockchain data into SQL databases that can be easily queried. Queries are used to specify what data from the blockchain should be returned. Maybe you want to know all the Dex trades that happened today, or the total value of stablecoins minted this year.”

Task: Build your own unique Dune Dashboard using https://dune.xyz/

▶️ Set up a Dune Analytics Account

▶️ Add your Discord username to your Dune Analytics account (discord username can be added in account settings; see picture). This will help me verify it is actually your dashboard that you built.

▶️ Query a dataset from any blockchain—that Dune supports.

▶️ After pulling Query results, create a unique Dashboard with at least one visualizer.

▶️ Post your Dashboard link

Examples (not mine): https://dune.xyz/rchen8/defi-users-over-time https://dune.xyz/anonfunction/Bored-Ape-Yacht-Club-(BAYC)-NFT-Data



Light painting, light graffiti, or freezelight, is the taking of long exposure pictures of light-drawn drawings or abstractions.

In 1949, it was discovered quite by accident by a famous Life magazine photographer, Guillon Mili. He was once doing experiments in photography, attaching flashlights to skate shoes, and as a result, getting light trails in the air. Since he was a friend of the famous artist Pablo Picasso, he told him about his experiments. After seeing these photos, Pablo Picasso decided to try his hand at this field of photography, at the time it was called "Space Drawing". Pablo Picasso created his first drawing in 1949 in his studio, it was a centaur. The main condition of light graffiti is darkness.

A guide to the action:

At nightfall, set up a tripod, a camera on it, adjust the light sensitivity, aperture, set the shutter speed, focus on the flashlight light (or any object that emits bright light) in the place where we will "draw". After doing all these things, click and draw, and after the shutter speed is over (1-30 seconds) look at the result. There is also a mode of manual exposure, it is called "Bulb" where you can manually set the time for creativity. Assignment:

Draw with light in an Eco theme. Remember that we have an Eco-hobo-code that can help you with ideas. (See thread): https://discord.com/channels/768556386404794448/911317039824646214


1st place - 80 points 2nd place - 50 points 3rd place - 30 points 4th-10th place - 10 points 11-15th place - 5 points


  • Shoot a video of the performance with your discord handle in the frame and a photo of the final work.

  • Accounts created the day before and without any other activity will not be evaluated.

  • If you would like to hold an event as a part of the contest, please contact the contest´s authors beforehand.

End of contest: 12 June 00:00 utc

Fun meme challenge


We present you a new fun meme challenge for the best meme related to the new eco-creators channel on any of the topics below or suggest yours)

1️⃣ The agony of creation;

2️⃣ Brain pumping when writing short stories;

3️⃣ Translation difficulties;

4️⃣ Incredible plot twists;

5️⃣ Andy in prison).

The best memes will be awarded: 1st place - 25 points, 2-3 place - 15 points, 4th-8th place - 10 points,

Please mark your works with #eco-creater tag

⚠️ Deadline: June 14 at 18.00 UTC ⏰

ECO DanceFIT Challenge 30


Reward: up to 15 points for the 15 best eco-dancer!

Deadline: June 12th

Timeline: 1 week

Let’s dance! Big thanks to @Lilishka & @GdSt for inspiration!


  1. Take 5 min video of your dance fitness. You may be not alone but with your dance partner

  2. You can represent a mix of dance styles from Zumba to Ballet. Go ahead and shimmy, shake and sweat like nobody's watching 😉

  3. Show the :eco: logo, your Discord handle and happy 😃 in the video.

With this challenge we want to:

  • Shake our body

  • Get fit & health

  • Be positive

Stay HEALTH & FITNESS all your life

ECO WORKoutDOOR Challenge 29

Reward: up to 15 points for the 15 fastest eco-athletes!

Deadline: June 5th

Timeline: 1 week

Let’s meet summertime! Big thanks to @мария & @GdSt for suggesting this challenge!


Take 4 min video of your outdoor workout. You may be not alone but with your family or friends.

Do your most skilled sport or workout but main requirement is that your submissions must not be repeated. Kind of workouts should be different: 🏈 ⚽ 🏀 🎾

Show the eco logo, your Discord handle in the video.

With this challenge we want to:

  • Find new workoutdoor

  • Get fit & health

  • Be positive

Sandbox Game Challenge #3 "Eco Survival Island"


Survive and explorer on the island, avoid from beasts. The game original created by hands of eco-community using sandbox game maker.

Requirements : PC / Laptop, available for Windows & MacOS

Deadline : June 5, 17.00 UTC

Eligible for raffle : Everyone who posting the victory screen pict and face pict holding eco logo + discord handle. (make sure tag @Binn or @Dave | Eco )


1️⃣ Create the new sandbox account : http://www.sandbox.game/ (i recommend using metamask, for easy register)

2️⃣ Download the sandbox game maker : https://www.sandbox.game/en/create/game-maker

3️⃣ Install the sandbox game maker client, login with your sandbox account.

4️⃣ Click tab "Drafts Gallery".

5️⃣ Find "Eco Survival Island" game, currently on page 59. (page location will increase overtime)

6️⃣ Finish the game and take a screenshot of victory screen + face pict.

7️⃣ Post the victory screen + face pict on 🎮sandbox-challenge , make sure tag @Binn or @Dave | Eco

8️⃣ All eligible participants will get a raffle ticket on 🎰sweepstakes

Raffle mechanics : We will raffle all participants to get 10 winners (raffle on sweepstakes). Then we will raffle again for select 1st, 2nd, and 3rd winners. (raffle on https://wheelofnames.com/) There will be a maximum of 100 raffle tickets given.

🏆 Prizes 🏆

1 Raffle winner = 100 points

2 Raffle winner = 75 points

3 Raffle winner = 50 points

275 points split to all eligible participants who get raffle tickets

Spring garden Challenge


Hello friends, spring has arrived, which means that this is a time of growth, including the growth of environmental awareness. It's no secret that the intensive growth of cities around the world, displacing nature, worsens the ecological situation and negatively affects the health of people and animals, so I suggest (encourage) you to take part in the "Plant a garden not only grannies" contest. Support the planet, plant a tree , a shrub or perennial plants make your city, park, yard more beautiful and the air cleaner.🐦 ☀️ 🍃

Participants should:

1 Plant a plant (one or more), use Discord handle and visible logo, make an interesting video with you and your family.

2 Describe why do you choose this particular planting site for the plant.


Pick native plants or plants that are sustainable for your area (an exotic palm tree up north is original, but useless)

Make sure you follow planting standards and regulations so future plants don't interfere with houses and utilities.

Grow with love, for good, not for points!

assessment criteria:

idea, appropriateness, quality of execution, quality of photo and video editing.


best green art (unique idea)

creative in the beds (the best story about planting your own plants)

small but great ( a variety of plants )

Prizes 1 - 150 points 2 - 120 points 3- 90 points

Due Date May 31 at 18:00 UTC.


Help us Make Eco Inevitable by ensuring it starts off the right way. Stage 1 begins simply.


  1. Identify a Token Launch or Generation Event that you think was conducted in a fair and successful way and describe it in a short paragraph. Why did you choose this project? What is this project doing that is worth replicating, and what could be improved? Make sure you focus on describing the mechanics of the token launch and why you felt it was fair or well executed.

Feel free to submit as many entries as you like but know that only accepted submissions will be awarded :points:


150 points - Best analysis.

75 points - First Tier analysis

50 points - Second Tier analysis

15 points - Accepted submission

Deadline: Thursday May 26th 2022 21:00 UTC



Reward: up to 15 points for the 15 fastest

Deadline: May 28th

Time: 21:00 CEST

In honor of UEFA 2022 Champions League Final we present this Challenge!

Description: Take a video of yourself kicking a ball and striking the top crossbar from 11m distance, Then run up and score a goal with your head. You have to do it in one trick! You can show the distance of your submission the easier it will be to judge. Then predict the match score. Bonus points х3 if you guess the right score! Show the :eco: logo, your Discord handle in the video.

With this challenge we want to:

  • Find out who's best kicker

  • Get fit & health

  • Be positive

Eco Art Therapy


Friends, we are opening a new contest "ECO particles" 🎨

Create your own ECO-themed creation out of different objects or particles using a logo, inscription, or anything else you see fit to represent the ECO system :eco: .

You can use anything you like as a particle, such as: fruit, vegetables , coffee beans , nuts , screws , nails , coins , lids , rocks or you can use something bulkier. It all depends on your wish .

Terms and conditions:

  • Try to be ethical in your work.

  • Accounts created the day before and without any other activity will not be judged.

  • Show a video of the process of creating the work from the outside.

  • Add a photo of the final work with the Discord name and ECO logo (printed or electronic)

  • Works are judged on the principle: 1 participant - 1 work.

  • If you have a desire to conduct an activity, within the contest, please coordinate with the authors of the contest beforehand.


The most unusual and original work in the ECO style - 60 points

The largest work - 50 points

Тhe smallest and rarest work - 40 points

The juiciest and most edible work - 30 points

Deadline: May 25, 2022, 23:59 UTC

Yaga research project


Those who have been waiting for an opportunity to earn a lots of points - here's your chance.

Research topic: How to preserve/increase capital during the U.S. recession

Prize pool: 200 points (prize to be divided at Yaga's discretion)

Description: Do a qualitative analysis of the topic How to preserve/increase capital during the U.S. recession. The paper should contain your thoughts, conclusions, suggestions, etc. No need to copy text from google.

Please post your work in google doc format with your Discord username as the first word and post link in 🧩community-activities. Only google doc will be evaluated. Good luck. Deadline: May 25, 2022, 09.00 UTC

ECO CYCLING Challenge 27


Reward: up to 15 points: for 25 fast eco-riders!

Deadline: May 22th Timeline: 1 week

Cycling is an activity that means a world to so many people. From recreation to main mode of transport, from fitness to fun. Cycling is a comfortable form of exercise and you can change the time and intensity – it can be built up slowly and varied to suit you. Cycling is easy to fit into your daily routine by riding to the shop, park, school or work. So it’s time to ride)

Description: Let's try to ride around 15 miles. 1 mile = 1 point Post 5 photos of your trip and cycling route screenshot in any app. Show the eco logo, your Discord handle and bike.

Banking ECO Research


Reward: 25 points if your work accepted. You can get additional rewards depending on quality and level of detail.

Deadline: May 20st 2022, 11:59 UTC

Description: Describe in detail which banks are available in your country (Analyze at least 2 banks and their cashback system). What products are offered to customers? How are credit products processed?

Pay special attention to how the system of cashback/rewards is set up? If it is a points system - describe how it works and how points are awarded? Where and how can you use your cashback? For how long can you use your cashback? Can you transfer your own cashback to other members? Make sure that info is current. 1: Important condition: maximum of 5 submissions per bank / app can be submitted.

Please post your work as a google doc with your Discord username as the first word. And indicate the name of the banks that you have chosen!

Only google docs will be evaluated. Points are exclusively for content, not presentation


Reward: 10 points for the 1st 20 workouts!

Deadline: May 15th

Timeline: 1 week


Description: Train however you want. Post here a 5 min video of your workout. Necessarily show the :eco: logo, Discord handle & nature! People simply train in nature, and they just generally get healthier. Special prize from KlimaDAO for best natural workout is $10 in Klima

There’s no bad time to build a beach body, but late spring is when you put things into high gear.

With this challenge we want to:

  • Enjoy natural beauty

  • Get fit & health

  • Be positive

Stay HEALTH & FITNESS all your lifeBanking ECO research project


Prizes: 1 place - 100 points, 2 place - 75 points, 3 place - 50 points, 4-6 place - 30 points, 7-10 place - 15 points

Due Date May 10 at 18:00 UTC


An eco-friendly lifestyle is great and even fashionable. Respect for the environment is what each of us should strive for. We invite you to support a circular economy idea. A circular economy is a system in which goods are used and reused multiple times rather than getting discarded after one use. We decided to organize one of the most interesting and inspiring bounty. It will really appeal to creative people and lovers of handmade. Breath new life into old things that have been standing around gathering dust for a long time. Turn them into interior elements, decor, clothes, dishes, furniture... Everything is limited only by your imagination .


  • You need to create a new, cool, stylish and modern thing from the already existing the old one

  • Take a video of creation process with Discord handle and visible :eco: logo

  • Make a short presentation of your work

ECO PARTY ROCK Challenge 25


At you requests, we will continue our training with @GdSt

Reward: up to 10 points to those who attend the meeting with cameras on! Zoom: link and pass will be posted later (May 6th)

Duration: 30 min

Time: 9:00 AM UTC

Date: May 7th

Description: To begin with, put on your best sneakers We will try to shake our eco-body & move like LMFAO At the end of the session text your Discord handle in the Zoom chat.


The summer is already around the corner ☀️ Everyday it is getting warmer and the the sun shines brighter which makes it possible to spend sometime outside and enjoy these beautiful spring days. So we came up with another interesting task for you guys, here is what you need to do:

You need to cook your favorite picnic/BBQ meal outdoors and share your recipe! 🥩

Here are the rules:

  1. record the cooking process on video

  2. take a picture of yourself with the meal you made (Make sure your Discord Handle and the Eco logo are visible)

The works will be appreciated: @GdSt @k3100690pdi @inny Prizes:

There will be several winners for different categories

1)The most beautiful dish 1 - 15, 2 - 10 points, 3 - 5 рoints

2) The most unusual dish 1 - 15 points, 2 - 10 points, 3 - 5 рoints

3) the most unusual cooking method 1 - 15 points, 2 - 10 points, 3 - 5 рoints

Non-compliant entries will not be accepted. Deadline: May 9 at 12.00 UTCECO Art Therapy


1st place — 100 points

2nd place — 70 points

3rd place — 50 points

4th place — 30 points

5th place — 10 points

6th — 10th place at 5 points

ᴅᴇᴀᴅʟɪɴᴇ: 5 May 15:00 pm utc


Body art is a form of avant-garde art that emerged in the 1960s. The main object of body art is the human body, and the content is revealed with the help of non-verbal language: poses, gestures, facial expressions, application of signs, "ornaments" to the body. The object of body art can also be drawings, photos, videos and moulage of the body. Developed primarily in the mainstream of performance and actionism. The body is seen as a thing to manipulate, artists are particularly interested in borderline existential situations. Body art compositions are acted out directly in front of the viewer or recorded for later demonstration in exhibition halls.

Assignment: Create interesting body art, based on an original idea. Choose any theme for the artwork using only your hands and face. You can use special effects and props in your work. Themes for body art, space, animals, flora, underwater world, abstract art, you can also choose a theme at your discretion.

ᴛeʀᴍs ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏɴᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴs:

— Try to be ethical in your artwork. Body art as a contemporary art form.

— Works of accanuts created the day before and having no other activity will not be evaluated.

— Video of the process of creating the work from the side.

— Photo of the final Discord work with the title (printed or by phone)

— Works are judged on the principle: 1 participant - 1 work.

— If you wish to be more active in this contest

- agree the idea and purpose with the authors beforehand. The author has his own concept for the contest and the moral right to conduct it according to his idea.

— Competing duplicate activities are not welcome.

Build an Eco x Klima Zen Garden

“Zen gardens emphasize the principles of naturalness (Shizen), simplicity (Kanso), and austerity (koko). In the sixth century, Zen Buddhist monks created the first zen gardens to aid in meditation. Later, they began using the gardens to teach zen principles and concepts. The design and structure of the gardens have been refined over the years, but the basic structure remains the same.”

Prizes Best Eco x Klima Themed Zen Garden - 100 points, Most Unique Design - 50points, Best use of audio / visual - 50 points,Largest Zen Garden (must show proof of size) - 60 points,Honorable Mentions - 15 points,

Note: Make sure to include your Discord Handle / Eco Logo and pictures or video of the creation process!

Submissions Due by: April 30th 23:59 (UTC) https://discordapp.com/channels/768556386404794448/958884753724026890/960541900459343882


We are looking for some talented singers! We are pleased to present to your attention a new contest from @bitdealer91. For all lovers of singing (even in the shower)! This spring, under the singing of birds, we all become a little more romantic and loving! Let's show our creativity, have fun and earn points!

Description: The genre of the song can be any of your choosing, from a lyrical song to rap; All languages accepted. The performer's vocal data and pitch will be evaluated! The song you choose can be your favorite artist or it can be written by you! Make sure you perform the whole song, not an excerpt! Be sure to say "ECO voice and your discord handle" at the end or beginning of the song!

term: until April'30 (21:00 UTC)!

Bonus Points if you include a homemade music video in your submission. Even more Points if you perform in the video yourself! Don't forget about the ECO logo and your discord nickname in the frame.

Prizes: We will choose 3 winners and 7 consolation prizes:

1st place: 150 points,

2nd place: 100 points,

3rd place: 50 points,

4-7 place: 30 points,

8-10 place: 20 points

Below is an instruction on how to use the app to record your own song

1) First, go to the website https://www.starmakerstudios.com/ and download the application.

2) Log into the App

3) Go to the home tab. In the search bar, look for the name of the song or artist. We select a minus (or backing track, karaoke version) (it is better to choose a back track with the largest number of recordings).

4) Press “Sing”, choose a full song or a duet (if there is a desire to produce a duet, you can do that too.)

5)The headphone icon gives you the option to turn on/off the ability to hear yourself through your headphones. Click Settings icon, select custom, set the settings as in the video. If you need to change the tonality, press pitch. To adjust the volume of voice and music, press volume. When you've got everything set, click the refresh button to start singing with the settings ready. Record video cover. Listen to the playback and see how you like it. At this stage, you can still change the settings. To change the cover of your song, click the cover button in the lower left corner: take a photo or choose from the gallery. Write something under your cover if you like. press post. after downloading click done. Here are examples of how you can write. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WAF1mdns0ocW51UDtI0wA6hAzuL3YYau/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V1xYZ3NCiMpkPfEAa2vIPeulTcEPcakV/view?usp=sharing StarMaker: Connect the world through music! StarMaker is an amazing free karaoke app that lets you sing your own cover of top songs from a massive catalog of more than 2,000,000 songs and sing karaoke like the star you are! step-by-step for android: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ne00YKKSTMWKHMJsaah0mA9fqkBqe97v/view?usp=sharing (изменено)

Mindful Mondays

meditations will be held on Sundays.

You can find the link to participate in the #Mindful Sundays

Arseniy is a "well-being enthusiast, passionate for changing people's lives for better with years of experience in meditation, psychotherapy, philosophy and yoga. An empathetic volunteer of humans staying true to themselves whichever difficulties arise. The original meditation presented is a combination of techniques taking roots in Vipassana and cognitive science." Arseniy has selflessly decided to provide and host a weekly Mindful Mondays meditation practice for our Eco community. He will prepare and deliver a weekly practice for those who are willing to take some time out of their Monday to join in a communal meditation practice. Aresniy believes in a holistic approach to health and well-being and wants to share his practices with our wonderful community.


part in the tournament (L1 - L2). Participation fee 2 points (200 chips) Lasts about 60-70 minutes You need to top up your ClubG chips to take part in the tournament. Send @salova 1:points: = 100 chips. Tag me, and I'll add chips to the CluG. Send format with comment ("! Send" without space) - ! Send @salova 2 Deposit on the KlubGG For those who are not yet in the club:

  1. Download the CluGG app (on your phone or PC) - https://www.clubgg.net/

  2. Register in the application (Nick is like in Discord!)

  3. Apply to join Eco Community Poker Club - ID 644332

  4. Register for the tournament.

ECO BUILT for the BEACH Challenge 24

Reward: up to 20 :points: for the best 🔟 submissions!

Deadline: May 1st Timeline: 1 week


There’s no bad time to build a beach body, but late spring is when you put things into high gear. Get a jump-start on a leaner, stronger body by attacking Eco Built for the Beach program.

Description: 1️⃣ To begin with, text here your 4-day summer body plan. 2️⃣ Then post here 4 min video of your workout. 3️⃣ Finally type your diet plan.

With this challenge we want to:

  • Get fit & healthy

  • Build muscle

  • Burn fat

Sandbox Game Challenge "Eco Labyrinth Escape"


20 points each for 20 raffle winners. All eligible participants will get an "Eco-Sandbox" raffle ticket, player only can own 1 raffle ticket.

There will be a maximum of 100 tickets given. The Raffle will take place after the Sandbox Challenge ends.

Requirements :

PC / Laptop, available for Windows & MacOS

Deadline : April 30, 17.00 UTC

Eligible Participants : Everyone who posting the victory screen + eco logo + discord handle. (make sure tag @Binn or @Dave | Eco )


Explore the labyrinth and collect the treasure as many as you can ! The game original created by hands of eco-community using sandbox game maker.


1️⃣ Create the new sandbox account : http://www.sandbox.game/ (i recommend using metamask, for easy register)

2️⃣ Download the sandbox game maker : https://www.sandbox.game/en/create/game-maker

3️⃣ Install the sandbox game maker client, login with your sandbox account.

4️⃣ Click tab "Drafts Gallery".

5️⃣ Find "Eco Labyrinth Escape" game, currently on page 19. (page location will increase overtime)

6️⃣ Finish the game and take a screenshot of victory screen.

7️⃣ Post the victory screen on sandbox-challenge , make sure tag @Binn or @Dave | Eco

8️⃣ All eligible participants will get a raffle ticket on sweepstakes

Good luck and have fun !!


Easter is here, and it brings with it one of our favorite times of the year. Spring, warm weather and a sense of renewal.

We all want to share love and joy with family and friends. The spirit of Easter is peace, love, happiness and joyful living. It is a time for reflection and celebration. When we come out of our doubts and cocoons and fly free on the wings of faith.

Happy Easter 2022 to you and your family! May the Lord always be with us all, showing us light even when it seems to be just darkness. Share with everyone your preparations for this bright event, send photos and videos. Peace to every home! We invite you to take part in a voluntary activity dedicated to the Day of the Nativity of Christ.

ECO MC HEALTH Challenge 23

Reward: up to 10 :points: to those who attend the meeting with cameras on! Zoom: link and pass will be posted later (April 22th)

Duration: 30 min

Time: 9:00 AM UTC

Date: April 23th


To begin with, put on your best sneakers We will try to pump our body & move like MC Hammer . At the end of the session text your Discord handle in the Zoom chat

@GdSt aka bodydancer has incredible experience in dancehall, modern, contemporary dance & folk. During his dance carrer he had hit-beat every dance club-hall and break-dance the heart of many girls. I would trust him with your body.

With this challenge we want to:

  • Stretch whole body

  • Move to the beat

  • Get fit & healthy

1 Year Video

🏆Awards: 🏆

1st place- 300 points, 2-3 seats - 200 points, 4-10 seats- 100 points

Due Date: https://discord.com/channels/768556386404794448/942445689445691432/942464007007260682

Our Eco-mmunity is almost a year old! :eco_galaxy:

And for this significant event, we offer you to make your own film about Eco! For this contest you will receive prizes not only in the form of points, but something unique else! 👀

We offer you 2 storylines to choose from:

  • a video dedicated to the Eco project;

  • a video dedicated to the anniversary of the Eco-community server.

Requirements for the video:

  • original name;

  • compliance with the subject of the competition;

  • mandatory presence of the Eco logo in the frame;

  • the film must have a storyline;

  • video quality must be at least 720p;

  • be sure to post the video on YouTube (only upload links to the video in this channel);

  • it is not necessary to have a contestant directly in the film;

  • time limit: at least 3 minutes;

  • it is mandatory to show your discord handle (in the credits is fine);

Evaluation criteria:

  • Must meet all requirements above.

  • Overall production quality.

  • Informative;

  • Creativity;

  • Video quality (frame work, editing, sound);



The #ECOsmile Challenge starts March 18 through April 17. 7 reasons to smile: A smile is the most easily recognizable facial emotion. Smiling triggers certain processes in the human brain, activating the connection between the brain and the body. So what's the point of smiling?

  1. Smiling makes us happy (even when we're in a bad mood).

  2. Smiling makes the people around you happy.

  3. Smiling makes us more attractive.

  4. Smiling helps relieve stress.

  5. Smiling has a positive effect on health.

  6. Smiling makes you more successful.

  7. A smile is more attractive than makeup.

Your assignment: Every day until 10:00 UTC (until 13:00 Moscow time) post a short video of you greeting ECOMIR as if you have come on a date with someone you love: beautifully combed and neatly dressed. You should smile and be as friendly as possible. The video must include your name in discord with the ECO logo. English is welcome, but if you find it difficult, you can speak any language. Be sure to mention me in the message @Violetastar All community members will vote with their points. Whoever earns the most points will be the winner of the challenge. @Dave | Echo announced the 50 winner award (changed)

ECO BATTLE of TWO Challenge 22

Reward: st place - 40 points, 2st place 20 points, 3st place - 10 points, 4-10 place 5 points.

Formula: Eco-power = Wed-strength + Fri-speed

Date: April 13 & 16

Time: 6:00 PM UTC

Duration: ~30 min

Rules: Post your Selfies with Discord handle in the channel. Warm up yourself and prepare front camera coz you should do all the tasks very quickly! There will be 5 rounds with 5 different exercises. At 6:00 pm utc I will post the tasks here one by one..

Example: Round 1 Let’s !do 20 sumo squate You should do the tasks as quickly as possible and post a video proof after each task here.

Who will be the 1st get 10 HP (Health points), 2nd - 9 HP, 3d - 8 HP, 4th - 7 HP and etc At the end of the battle I will sum up the results! No doping, no dirty work at all or violators will be fined HP




We offer you 2 performance options to choose from: Contemporary Digital Collage Decorative - created by your own hands.

We're also sharing a brand kit so you have all the assets of the Eco and KlimaDAO brands at your disposal. 
Feel free to supplement your creativity with this and please use the correct logos in your artwork!

Eco: https://discord.com/channels/768556386404794448/867466427974549546;

ᴛᴇʀᴍs ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏɴᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴs:

❗Video of the process of creating the work from the side.

❗Discord photo of final work with name (printed or on phone) 💯 The art-therapy team of contest organizers reserves determine the conformity of the participants after careful discussion.

❗️ Works are evaluated according to the principle: 1 participant — 1 work.


1 ᴄᴀᴛᴇɢᴏʀʏ (hand made): 1st place - 80 points, 2nd place - 65 points, 3rd place - 50 points, 4th place - 35 points, 5th place - 20 points, 6th - 10th place at 10 points,

2 ᴄᴀᴛᴇɢᴏʀʏ (digital): 1st place - 60 points, 2nd place - 45 points, 3rd place - 30 points, 4th place - 15 points, 5th place - 10 points, 6th - 10th place at 5 points,

✅ ᴅᴇᴀᴅʟɪɴᴇ: 15 April 15:00 pm utc




Laughter is one of life's greatest gifts. It makes our complex and sometimes confusing existence more bearable. Even in the darkest of times, humor helps us move forward, and the ability to laugh at ourselves restores strength.

On the eve of the holiday "1 April" we do not ask you to make fun of your friends or family! Laugh at yourself, otherwise someone else will do it...

We give you 2 categories to choose from: "prank" and "laughter therapy”.

1. "Prank" Examples:

Loudly say any ECO slogan in a funny voice, using helium to enhance the effect in a public place: Example: "We are going to win. Eco is inevitable. KYEP." (You can improvise and make up your own pranks.)

2. "Laughter therapy” Laugh infectiously on camera to make others laugh with your laughter.

Task: To videotape the entire action, providing proof of your participation by displaying your personal discord handle in the frame. *Be as funny as possible.

Important: not to hurt, irritation, or offend anyone. But to make the jury and other contestants laugh.


1 category: 1st place - 50 points, 2nd place - 30 points, 3rd place - 20 points, 4th to 10th - 10 points, 11th to 15th - 5 points,

2 category: 1st place - 30 points, 2nd place - 20 points, 3rd place - 10 points, 4th to 10th - 5 points, 11th to 15th - 3 points

Deadline: 3 April 12:00 pm utc

ECO quiz

I prepared a short quiz about ECO.

You have to answer the question or continue the sentence.

Rules: 1. The first who give the correct answer will get 2 points

2. Total questions -15. The total prize is 30 points

3. Max, you can guess 2 times. Give others a chance to prove themselves.

4. You have 45 seconds to answer. At the end of the time, I will write "STOP" after which the answers you sent are not accepted.

6. The quiz is only for Layer 1 The location is 🧩community-activities

The date of the contest is April 5, 2022 The time is 14:00 UTC (17:00 MCK)


Reward: 1 place 50 points; 2 place -35 points; 3 place - 20 points; 4-10 place - 15 points.


Date: April 2nd

Time: 6:00 PM UTC

Duration: 30-45 min

Equipment: no need

Rules: will be posted later (April 1st)

With this challenge we want to:

- Find out who's best of best

- Test physical abilities

- Get fit & healthy

March Madness Basketball

We've put together a March Madness Bracket Tournament for the Eco x Klima communities to participate in! We thought this would be a fun free competition that everyone can participate in and win some sweet sweet Points. Even if you are not a fan of Basketball or don't have access to watching the games, most of this tournament picking is based on luck! So give it a shot! Remember Forturne Favours the Brave (Matt Damon voice)

Here is what you need to do in order to participate in the Tournament:

  • Fill out the Google Form by March 15th (23:59 UTC) as your intent to participate in the tournament. The form will have you input your email address, discord user ID, and an ETH address (optional).

  • Google Form Tournament Sign Up: https://forms.gle/rtAs13cdb35mNvym6

*ETH address is optional, but if you provide one we will distribute you a POAP for participating in the event!

  • Once you receive the invite link via email, it will lead you to a website called Run Your Pool. You will need to create a profile on this website. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU INSERT YOUR DISCORD USER ID IN THE "DISPLAY NAME BOX (see picture for reference) when creating your Run Your Pool profile. This will make it easy for me to distribute points to the winners.

  • Check the Important Dates (see picture for reference). I will not be sending out invite links past March 15th (23:59 UTC)!! Also make sure to make your selections before March 17th (17:15 UTC). Late submissions will not be accepted.

  • If you have the opportunity to, check out some of the games being played! March Madness is ALWAYS exciting!

  • Prizes 1st place - 150 points; 2nd place- 100 points; 3rd place - 75 points; 4th place - 50 points; 5th place - 25 points; 6th-10th place- 10 points.

Eco chess tournament

Me and @parallacs , with the support of @Dave | Eco , decided to organize a chess tournament in our community On Saturday March 26th at 15:00 UTC the first tournament will be held at https://www.chess.com/.

This first tournament will be a chance for all members of the community to try their hand. Follow this link to find out how to participate. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_jtSiHfaw_BsCRG7Tn6HSObcdH9XvaQBk70tPqN3r2k/edit?usp=sharing

Join our club at https://www.chess.com/. You will be able to register an hour before the tournament. If you have any questions, be sure to ask me at the DM.

The prizes will be distributed as follows: 1 place - 100 points, 2 place - 70 points, 3 place - 40 points, 4 place - 20 points,5-7 place - 10 points


ECO STRETCH Challenge 19

Reward: up to 10 points to those who attend the meeting with cameras on!

Date: Saturday March 26th

Time: 10:00 AM UTC

Duration: 25 min

Equipment: mat

Host: @GdSt

Zoom: link and pass will be posted later (March 25th) @GdSt aka bodydancer has incredible 15 year-long experience in dancehall, modern, contemporary dance & folk. During his dance carrer he participated in numerous tournaments and was awarded at international competitions in Bulgaria , Serbia, Turkey & Russia. I would trust him with your body.


To begin with, put on your best sport suit During training we will try to stretch our eco-body. At the end of the session text your Discord handle in the Zoom chat.

With this challenge we want to:

- Motivate each other

- Stretch whole body

- Get fit & healthy


Hello, Eco friends. It's been a while since we've had a creative assignment. I know we're all creative, show us your talent.💫 Conditions:

  • Choose your favorite masterpiece.

  • Create a cosplay using improvised means (don't forget to show your Discord handle and the visible logo)

  • Prizes: 1st place - 50 points, 2nd-3rd place - 30 points, 4th-8th places - 15 points

  • Due Date 23.03 at 17.00 UTC


ECO-ART-Calligraphy Challenge 3

Calligraphy (from Greek: καλλιγραφία) is a visual art related to writing. It is the design and execution of lettering with a pen, ink brush, or other writing instrument. A contemporary calligraphic practice can be defined as "the art of giving form to signs in an expressive, harmonious, and skillful manner". We all know that ECO has a number of catchphrases that all Discord members know by heart. I'm sure that beautiful Calligraphic spelling of these phrases will add to their strength and positive energy!

Description: Write one of the ECO phrases in Calligraphy handwriting, using paper, canvas, or any other physical medium. To write, you may use any of the tools: brush, pen, felt-tip pens, markers, pencils, pens and other writing utensils.

Each participant can write only one ECO phrase of their choice and must record a video of the writing process:

  • We are going to win!

  • Eco is inevitable

  • The moon is not enough

  • We all win together

  • #takeyourcashback - #KYEP

  • All roads lead to Eco - ECO in our heards

  • This ECommunity is the BEST

  • Eco is for everyone

Please do not use a stencil, only handwritten ECO phrase in English is accepted! For clarity, I've uploaded some examples of beautiful Calligraphy spelling: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IELuv5DzTW8O2wxOYGDkZoBhuOqIXHMd Awards: 1st place - 100 points; 2nd place - 75 points; 3rd place - 50 points; 4th to 10th - 15 points; 11th to 15th - 10 points;

Also, at the discretion of the organizers, there will be an additional 5 points awarded to 5 participants who didn't make it into the top 15 works.

Deadline: March 23 11:59 pm UTC

ECO BURN Cal Challenge 18

Reward: up to 15 points to those who attend the meeting with cameras on and train hard!

Date: Saturday March 19th

Time: 10:00 AM UTC

Duration: 25 minutes

Equipment: no need

Zoom: link and pass will be posted later (March 18th)


Rewards: ???

Deadline: 03.14.2022

Description: Design your own digital avatar using Eco attributes (it could be anything memorable, famous, meme and specific to the Eco community, including its previous bounties and other activities). You can use any instruments including digital ones or hand made: make a mask, collage, illustration, 3D model, use avatar creation tools or do anything else: be creative, your fantasy is the limit!

Only DIY and original works will be counted! Don't photoshop the Eco logo on a pic from the web.

Make a tweet with your avatar with hashtag #ecoadventurebounty #ecoavatar #kyep and mention @eco, share the link in this channel.

books challenge

The time is 16.00 UTC. 🧩community-activities

The rules are simple:

1. You will be shown three pictures, and you must completely guess the original title of the book.

2 Whoever is the first to guess the title of the book and the author will get 5 points.

3. There will be a total of 10 books. Total prize money is 50 points. Only bestselling books will be accepted. You must fully guess the original (English) title of the book and author


Reward: up to 15 points for the first 15 submissions!

Deadline: March 13th

Description: Just post the video of you taking a steam-bath in sauna. The most courageous of you can top off your trip to the sauna with a plunge in to the snow or a cold bath! Necessarily show the ECO logo, Discord handle !

As your skin temperature increases, sauna-goers experience a "fight or flight" response, resulting in a heightened sense of alertness, reduced pain perception and an elevated mood. Health benefits also include lower blood pressure, reduced inflammation, reduced risk of dementia, improved heart function, lower risk of stroke, better mental health, increased recovery from muscle soreness, and much more. Stay safe and only try the hot sauna, cold plunge practice of you are trained enough! Those with heart conditions should stick to milder spa experiences.

With this challenge we want to:

- Boost our immune system

- Stimulate receptors

- Get fit & healthy


Awards: 1st place 100 points, 2nd place 70 points, 3rd place 50 points, 4th place 30 points, 5th-10th place 15 points

Deadline: March 9 11:59 pm UTC https://discord.com/channels/768556386404794448/947171507195486289/948648041513099314

Origami (Japanese: 折り紙, lit.: "folded paper") is a type of arts and crafts; the Japanese art of folding paper figures. Classical origami prescribes the use of a single sheet of paper without the use of scissors. In this case, often used to give the form of impregnation of the original sheet of adhesives. Numerous studies have shown that practicing origami helps to improve the internal state of the person, the development of thinking and concentration. Description: Using the paper, fantasize what you would like to depict. This can be an association with the beginning of spring, or just any of your imagination. Preferably use an eco-community theme.

Record a video of yourself making origami, be sure to use the ECO logo and your discord handle.

Interview with the ECO team

Team Eco is getting bigger and bigger. And I've noticed that we don't know much about our beautiful and professional team. I came up with a great idea to get to know our team better. To do this, @Dave | Eco and I decided to run an interesting event for you. Today we are launching mini interviews that will take place every week. Our first interviewee will be @Daniel | Eco . He holds the position of Strategy & Business Lead. He is a professional and has a lot to say about his work.

What you need to do: Ask a question in the 🧩community-activities . Questions can be related to part of the work process, hobbies, music/movie preferences, etc.

We will try to get to know the person better for our community. Be sure to tag @Dmitriy , @Dave | Eco AND @Daniel | Eco

On Thursday, February 24, at 21,00 UTC, the questions will end and I will pick the top 30. From those 30 questions, @Daniel | Eco will pick 10-15 questions that he likes and answer them.

When we get the answers, we will award those questions that Daniel chose with a 5 points prize.

Take part in this wonderful activity. I think it will be fun and interesting to learn more about our wonderful team.


Reward: up to 20 points for the first 10 partner submissions!

Deadline: February 27th

Timeline: 1 week


Rules: Just post the video of the yoga complex (asanas are in the picture) with your partner. Necessarily show the Eco logo, couple Discord handle and happy face. Both partners need to be fully engaged in the experience, and rely on each other for the very creation of poses, and to maintain balance, alignment and focus.

With this challenge we want to:

- Build strong communication

- Emotional support

- Get fit & healthy

Stay HEALTH & FITNESS all your life


Reward: The best Eco-style snowman - 30 points, Most unique design - 30 points, Biggest snowman - 30 points Deadline: February 20, 2022 11:59pm UTC https://discord.com/channels/768556386404794448/936803995358466050/936804686428774460

It's time for our Eco-style Snowman making contest! The rules, as always, are simple. Make a video of you and your family making a snowman. It is mandatory that you show your Discord Handle and the Eco logo.

ECOLYMPICS Challenge 14

Deadline: February 20th


Choose performance day by reaction (max 2) under this post:

⛸ Mon 🎿 Tue 🛷 Wed 🎿 Thu ⛸ Fri ☑️

If you choose:

Monday/Friday - present your skills of skating (Figure Skating, Ice Hockey, Short Track, Speed Skating

Tuesday/Thursday - present your skills of skiing (Alpine Skiing, Biathlon, Cross-Country Skiing, Freestyle Skiing, Nordic Combined, Ski Jumping, Snowboard)

Wednesday - present your skills of sleighing (Bobsleigh, Luge, Skeleton)

Every day at 13:30 UTC I will choose 3 participants by random number generator (random.org) & ONLY AFTER THAT You can start performance.

With this challenge we want to:

- Feel ourselves champions

- Get fit & health

- Be positive

ECO IS NOT A BANK" - The main condition for ECO

Prizes: 1st place - 15 points, 2nd place - 10 points, 3rd place - 7 points, 4th, 5th places - 5 points

Special prizes: 1) 10 points whoever flips the coin in the most unusual way will get it! 2) 3 points the one who gets "ECO" 7 times in a row will get it!

Deadline 08:00 UTC February 17, 2022

"ECO" & "BANK" This mini-contest will show everyone's desire to get "ECO" and not "bank". The competition game is completely similar to the well-known game "Eagle and Tails".

The conditions of the competition are simple:

1. You need to stick the "ECO" logo on one side of the coin, and "BANK" on the other side. Flip a coin 15 times in a row. Your task is to get as much "ECO" as possible.

2. Record the process of playing on video in one take. (The result of each roll must be visible). In the video, show the ECO logo and your discord nickname. Upload your work to the 🧩community-activities channel, tag @pk89 and tag #"ECO" & "BANK"


1 place - 40 points, 2 place - 30 points, 3 place - 20 points, 4, 5 place - 15 points, 6-10 place - 5 points + lottery tickets

The deadline is 05:00 UTC February 15th 2022

When was the last time you send valentine card to your loved ones? You have a great opportunity to do it now and also earn some points!

The rules are simple:

  1. Create an Eco-style handmade valentine card with text and the name of the person whom you made it for. Make a post with the video of the valentine card creation process in #🧩community-activities channel with the #Valentinecard tag. You can also tag a person whom you made it for if he/she is an Eco-mmunity member. Don't forget to add the paper with Eco logo and your discord handle on video, (without it application won't be accepted).

P.S.: If you want to express your sympathy to someone on the server secretly, please DM @Valirini with your card/text/etc and with the discord handle of the person you want to send it to, I will put it in the #🧩community-activities channel (your secret will die with me ).

Top 10 applications will be selected and awarded as follows:

Let’s dilute gray winter days with expression of your love!ECOLYMPICS HOME TEAM Challenge 13

Prizes: 1 place - 50 points, 2 place - 25 points, 3 place - 15 points

Deadline: February 13th

Example: https://youtu.be/GRVCzEWBcfY

CS 1.6 tournament

Saturday (05.02.2022) at 4 pm UTC

Awards top 10 : 1 - 75 points, 2 - 50 points, 3- 25 points, 4- 15 points, 5-10 - 10 points

You can download the game on the official resource - for a 2 $ ±(recommendation)https://store.steampowered.com/app/10/CounterStrike/?And also you can take not the official version-free (not recommended) https://cshost.com.ua/download_cs16Our

server is at this address: Ip : console in the game calls the "Tab" button - enter the command there connect , password: 999

Now the server is working in test mode (but you can join and play)

Rules :

  • Player limit 64, team choice - any, but see that there is a correct balance - I will turn on autobalance later

  • After death, you immediately enter the game again,

  • the more you kill opponents, the higher the place in the top.

  • the game will go 30 minutes -

  • heat programs are not allowed to be used, there will be disqualification and loss of reputation in the community.

EСOLYMPICS Opening Ceremonies Challenge 12

Reward: 1st place - 75 points, 2nd place - 50 points, 3rd place - 25 points, Additionally, each accepted submission (which follows the rules) will receive 15 points for their effort! Deadline: February 4, Time: 8 p.m. (China Standard Time) https://discord.com/channels/768556386404794448/904060658377703465/937505567784722472


  1. Submissions must clearly show the Eco logo, your Discord handle and happy face.

  2. Feel free to work together to make something awesome.

ECOlympics TRAINING Challenge 11

Reward: up to 20 points for the first 20 submissions! Deadline: January 30th https://discord.com/channels/768556386404794448/904060658377703465/932560965772410910

Conditions: 1. Find a workout of your favourite/famous athlete of Winter Games in the Internet. Choose what you can do or would like to try. Then post the video/description of the workout in the channel.

2.Get MY reaction muscle under your message

Emoji Art

Reward: 1 place - 50 points, 2 place - 30 points, 3 place - 20 points Deadline: January 29 2022 https://discord.com/channels/768556386404794448/931630569874403418/931636170692116553

The rules for this challenge are very simple, make something unique with the emojis that you have at your disposal! It can be an image, portrait, a story, a song or a 'hidden message'...the sky is the limit! Here are some ideas to get you started.... https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/clever-funny-emoji/

Movie poster

Reward: 1 place - 30 points, 2 place - 20 points, 3 place - 15 points Deadline: January 28 2022 https://discord.com/channels/768556386404794448/931137180984819742/931139007671320596

Your task is to pick your favorite movie poster and 'Ecofyi' it...that can mean changing its title, logo or catch phrase to include Eco. (Bonus points if you can tell us why you decided to choose this particular movie and how it applies to Eco )

DEFI quiz

DEFI quiz from @salova. [Reward: Will be distributed after the end of the quiz]

Test your knowledge of DEFI in an interesting quiz.

Thursday at 17:12 UTC ECO CARE Challenge 10

Reward: up to 10 for the best 25 submissions! Deadline: January 16th

Conditions: Post your opinion on the topic above; The text should be at least 500 words. Links to the used sources are welcomed. The idea of the contest belongs to Gary Hopkins


Reward: Best "Eco Themed" Tree - 50 points Most Unique Design - 50 points "Best Dressed" - 50 points Best use of audio / visual equipment - 50 points Deadline: January 7th 2022 11:59pm UTC

Rules:The rules are simple. Take a video of you and your family decorating your Christmas tree and share it here with the community. Make sure your Discord Handle and the Eco logo are visible. If you don't celebrate Christmas no worries, you can still join in the fun! Choose any kind of tree you like and decorate it in 'Eco Style' (what does that mean?? We'll leave that up to you!)


Reward: 1p -30points, 2p-20 points, 3p-10 points Deadline: Dec 24th2021


We've come up with the idea of suggesting you to make Christmas-tree decorations with your own hands by taking part in "ECO Christmas decorations".

  • Let your imagination run wild.

  • Make an original Christmas toy. Let's have fun together, waiting for the Christmas!

Participants should:

  1. Share an image of the toy.

  2. Take a video of the creation process with Discord handle and the visible logo.

ECO Challenge 8

Reward: 10 p for the first 20 submissions!!

Deadline: Dec 26th

link: https://discord.com/channels/768556386404794448/904060658377703465/922459324876464159


1.Just hit the target (size 20cm) with a snowball 4 times in a row from 4 metres to rack up the points

2. Post the video proof of your outdoor game. Necessarily show the logo, your Discord handle and happy


Reward: 1p - 100 points, 2p - 50 points, 3p - 25 points Deadline: 20.12.2021 11:59pm UTC


@Unbankers Twitter account is all about distributing points, blowing minds, and growing the Eco-mmunity...and NOBODY is better at doing those things than YOU Mission Create: 1) Profile Picture (PFP) and/or 2) Header (or banner) Image for The @Unbankers Twitter account.New Year's Yaga

Reward: 1st place - 30 points 2nd place - 20 points 3rd place - 10 points 4th-7th place - 5 points 8th-11th place - Sweepstakes Ticket Deadline: December 16, 21:00 MSC

  1. Design an Eco style Christmas card.

  2. Post your card design to the #🧩community-activities channel with the hashtag #YAGA_FEST

  3. Only quality artwork will be accepted.

  4. A plus for you will be if you post your design in good quality and community members can congratulate their friends and family with your card.


Reward: Winner - 100points,Runners up 20 Closing Date: 26 November 2021 17:00


  1. The dimensions of the flag will be 150 x 100 cm, your design should fit with that.

  2. The background of the flag must be a light color (so that it is easy to sign it with a dark marker)

  3. Use the #branding-kit materials, colors and fonts for your design.

  4. This is the Eco 'community' flag so please take inspiration from that idea.

  5. The top 10 designs (as chosen by the Eco Team / Prefects / those who suggested this bounty) will be voted on by the @Layer 2 community and the winner will have their flag produced and sent all around the world!

Flag Design Format Requirements: Use the CMYK color format. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CMYK_color_model 100DPI resolution. Fonts should be converted into outlines.


Reward: Reward: 5-15 for the first 15 submissions! Issued: November 8 Deadline: November 14th

Rules: Be the 1st to write a message 'I will' below my video and if I react with a emoji muscle to your message you are next! Then you have 12 hours to shoot ~7 min video of you doing my 2 exercises plus your 2 additional exercises of your choice! Post your video here. (If you can't do any of the exercises or your plans have changed text me, I will change the sequence.) The sequence starts again. The next person to write 'I will' below the second video continues the sequence. I react again and we keep going. The person #3 will repeat the 2 exercises from person #2 and 2 new exercises of their choice. (You don't have to repeat my first exercises, just those from the previous submission.) We'll continue on until we have an Eco Fit Chain of 15 participants. Necessarily show the Eco logo, your Discord handle and happy


Reward: 1place - 100points, 2place - 75points, 3place - 50points. Issued: 29.10.2021 Deadline: Nov 18th at 17:00 UTC.

Link to an active task in Discord: https://discord.com/channels/768556386404794448/903335336460046396/903394337038139432

Rules: You need to create a physical ECO-style city layout.

- You can handcraft it using all available materials.

- The size of the layout is unlimited.

- The layout should be made in ECO style.

Participants should: Share an image of the layout. Take a video of the creation process with Discord handle and the visible logo. Make a short presentation of the layout.

DAO Search part 2 (NEW!)

Reward: We will reward up to 750 per group member for very high quality submissions. Issued: 26.10.2021 Deadline: November 26th 2021 at 11:59pm UTC

Link to an active task in Discord: https://discord.com/channels/768556386404794448/902553454172573696/902590121541533776


1. From the DAO project list https://docs.google.com/document/d/18STFuPwFsX4o0b4OHR8NcZrPtV7BD-G3vcEogIHdjmE/edit?usp=sharing submitted from the previous 🔎dao-search challenge, pick one project that interests you.

2. Send a DM to @Dave | Eco telling me what project you have chosen. (I will cross off projects as they are claimed.)

3. You can choose to do this task individually or as a team (note: quality of work and level of collaboration will be used to judge submissions so teams that submit quality work will be rewarded the most.)

4. Join your chosen DAO and start learning how things work.

5. Prepare a research report that answers all the questions and prompts in the attached guide. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZJIKeokmWjGSlnYDcHyzhn0DzLq2ZdGNmY-1Ldi4qTM/edit?usp=sharing

6. Take your time and dive deep This is a big project and we are giving you a lot of time to complete it.

7. Feel free to add any information you feel is relevant to Eco about your experiences, thoughts or ideas regarding DAO's and decentralized governance as you put together your project.

Reward: Base score is 50 points for an accepted submission. The top ten submissions will be given significant bonus points based on performance Issued: 12.10.2021 Timeline: 1 Month

Link to an active task in Discord: https://discord.com/channels/768556386404794448/897274248383561799/897276241806262355

Rules: ONLY for Layer2. Write an original analysis of the origins and effects of the Evergrande liquidity crisis. Cite your sources.


the competition is over.

The rules to this Bounty can be as simple (or complex) as you would like to make them! The ultimate goal here is to develop a personal connection with other Layer 2 community members and to share knowledge, ideas and a good time! Instructions: Arrange a meeting with a group of other Eco community members that you don't already know! If you are able, comfortable with it and its safe, meet them in person for a or and get to know each other a little! If you can't meet in person (or don't have anyone in your area) set up an online call and get acquainted that way! (maybe over a game of online chess etc....) The more Layer 2 members you get to attend the more we'll drop as a reward! Take some photos and a video documenting the gathering and share it as a group right here (as always show off an Eco Logo and your Discord handles) Let us know what you talked about and what you learned about each other! (If you are comfortable sharing details ) Everybody at the gathering should bring along book that they would like to exchange with the other members. Randomly distribute the books to each other and let us know what everybody you are going to be reading next! (Show evidence) Super Bonus Prize When your finished your book, let us know what you thought of it! Write a short report on the book and your thoughts. There are no specific rewards or due dates associated with this challenge. Submissions will all be unique and rewards will be allocated based on the organizing effort, group size, distance travelled and overall creativity in presentation of the meetup. Also this bounty will remain open for some time, we will let you know about a week in advance of when it will be closed, until then consider it open!


Reward: up to 300 for the top 4 ranked submissions Issued: August 28th Deadline: September 19th 11:30PM EST 2021 - the competition is over.

Description: This bounty is more technically aligned. We're looking for Eco-themed Generative art. I am going to leave the bounty instructions rather open due to the difficulty of the work. Excited to see if we have any Generative Art geniuses in the community, be it Geometric or Ai or Asset Combination. Good Luck

Submit to #🏹content-bounty-25


To kickstart the new community-based, non-profit merchandise store developed by @Stefan | Eco Academy https://store.eco.vg/, @andyrv proposed to launch a design bounty to create SWAG designs for the community. Later on, the best 10 designs will be selected, from which we will create a variety of branded merchandise. @andyrv also suggested to make all the designs available for download, so anyone wishing to print these designs on their own can feel free to do so. Here are the guidelines for the bounty: Rules #1 Create a new and unique SWAG design that helps to promote the Eco Spirit out in the world #2 Submit an image with your design in here and upload your design on google drive (please only .jpg, .jpeg, or .png files) #3 Submissions will be evaluated based on creativity, uniqueness, craftsmanship, and "eco-relatedness" #4 Please make sure that you own the full rights to your submission. You are free to use the Eco brand assets in #eco-brand-kit #5 We recommend creating designs with 300 DPI. The minimum is 120. PNG files are best. File size limit is 50 MB.

Rewards #1 - 200 Points #2 - 100 Points #3 - 50 Points #4 - 25 Points #5 - 15 Points #6-10 - 10 Points each Deadline: September 30th, 2021 - the competition is over.

Participate in discussions

Participate actively in discussions in the following channels:

🚀 general 🧮 eco-nomics 🇰🇷 kr-eco 🇷🇺 ru-eco 🇫🇷 fr-eco 🇯🇵 jp-eco 🇩🇪 dach-eco

What you need to do:

  • Participate actively in discussions, suggest your own ideas and thoughts about Eco

  • Take part in discussions about economics, ways of use, the future of Eco, propose your own contests, etc.

In order to receive points, all your invited friends must go to 🙏invite-thank-yous channel and type your username

Unofficial test of knowledge of the project ECO

https://onlinetestpad.com/6o26qslby2cuq - link to the test Reward: every day the first 10 people who correctly answer all questions will receive 10 points. Start date: 17/07/2021 End date: --- Status: open for passage Rules: Allowed no more than 3 attempts per day, the rest I will not take into account, a separate warning for those who have a "brother, other relatives": no more than 1 such a day, so as not to be blacklisted by everyone. It is impossible to get more than 1 reward Test for active community members at my discretion, I can refuse payment, therefore do not consider passing the test as guaranteed payments. If you answered all 15 questions correctly, then drop the screen here with the @salova tag. I check that everything is correct, there is no system load and I add points. Format: a test of 15 questions, which are randomly selected from a pool of 40 questions. The test contains questions where there are more than 1 correct answer.

Screen only 15 out of 15 thrown off only in #🧩community-activities with the @salova tag.

Last updated